Posts Tagged ‘B2B content marketing’

Are You Being Too Engaged With Your New Customers?

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

Customer reviews, client reviews, best PR firm, public relations, content marketingI’ve been a rabid marketing practitioner for decades. I understand and believe in the power of marketing for companies of all types and sizes, across all industries.

And, I’ll admit, there have even been times when I’ve been too eager to turn to marketing when a go-slow approach might have served me better. (more…)

Vetting Freelance Talent in 2023

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023

The use of freelancers and contractors is on the rise, and this trend is likely to continue as hordes of workers are laid off or decide they simply aren’t willing to give up the freedom and flexibility of remote and hybrid work to return full-time to physical workplaces. Freelancers can offer great benefits to employers who know what to look for, what to look out for, and how to effectively evaluate talent before bringing them on board. (more…)

COVID-19’s Impact on 2021 Content Marketing Strategy

Monday, March 29th, 2021

When pandemic restrictions around the country started occurring in March 2020, few imagined that many would still be in place—or starting up again—as the year drew to an end. As I write this, in mid-November, cases are rising across the country, and new restrictions are emerging. Through it all, organizations of various kinds have had to adjust and adapt to the new normal—whatever that is. As businesses plan for 2021, none can ignore the potential for COVID-19 to continue disrupting their operations and impacting consumer decisions. (more…)

Content IS King – Regardless of Who Said It!

Tuesday, November 24th, 2020

While there’s a debate about where the phrase “content is king” originally emerged, Bill Gates is widely given credit for the phrase and wrote what Fox Business calls a “remarkably prescient piece” back in 1996 in which he “accurately foresaw the content boom years before Google, WordPress, Facebook and YouTube even existed.” The rest, of course, is history.

Organizations of all kinds have jumped on the content bandwagon, recognizing that the trusted relationships they have with patients puts them in a prime position to share content on a wide range of topics of interest to, and representing value for, their audiences.  (more…)

Is Content Marketing a Viable Lead Generation Tactic? Yes, but…

Friday, January 17th, 2020

We saw a question recently in an online group to the effect of: “Is content marketing a viable lead generation tactic?” Great question, but not one that can be easily answered. The short answer is a resounding YES! But…

Do Buyer Personas = Stereotypes? Yes, but…

Thursday, March 8th, 2018

We recently responded to a reporter’s question of: “Are buyer/audience personas just a better way to say ‘stereotypes’?”

The answer:

Yes, but…


If Your Content Isn’t Working in Concert, It Isn’t Working!

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

Business strategy organizational charts and graphs

Despite talk about multichannel and omnichannel marketing, the reality is that content creation and dissemination are often still siloed within organizations. That can lead not only to conflicting messages, but potentially negative brand impacts. Ideally, every consumer experience with an organization-regardless of how large it is-should be aligned and seamless. Messaging should be consistent in terms of content and quality. Clearly, that’s not an easy outcome to achieve, particularly between seemingly disparate parts of an organization (for instance, billing and HR). But what about between marketing and sales-two parts of most organizations that are outward-facing? Wouldn’t it seem logical to assume that their messaging would be aligned and consistent? (more…)

The New Extended Life of Super Bowl Commercials

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

football in foreground for super bowlIn the world of advertising, perhaps no event is as highly touted as the Super Bowl — or at least its commercials. According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), nearly 190 million were expected to tune into the Super Bowl this year, making the four-hour event a prime venue for advertisers. And unlike most events where many viewers use modern technology to fast-forward through annoying advertisements, Super Bowl advertisers have an eager audience. In fact, the NRF reports that 17.7 percent — about 43 million people — say the commercials are the primary reason they watch the game. All that access comes at a price, of course. (more…)

How to Build Thought Leadership Through Blogging

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

Keyboard - smallBlogs are so ubiquitous in the online world that it may seem like it’s not worth the effort to maintain your own. After all, blogs can take a lot of effort to maintain. You need to be current, consistent and relevant. Is it worth all that time and energy with so many blogs out there? (more…)

Email Marketing: Updating an Old Standard for Today’s Consumer

Tuesday, December 8th, 2015

Email marketing is still a staple of any digital marketer’s repertoire, but the technology has become much more sophisticated-and so have your consumers. In this cluttered environment, understanding how to best target and connect with your audience as well as compel them to action is critical. For those in the know, email marketing is far from being a dying breed, despite the proliferation of other online and mobile options. (more…)