Archive for September, 2014

7 Digital Advertising Trends You Need to Know Now!

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014

Digital has taken the world by storm, upending the world of traditional advertising and requiring 21st marketers to become savvy about a broad range of digital advertising options that can include anything from SEO, to social media, to mobile and more.

There’s much to understand, much to keep track of and much to stay on top of. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that digital advertising, unlike traditional advertising, is far more trackable, allowing marketers to determine what is working for them and driving the results they desire and what may not be as effective. (more…)

A Wealth of Social Media & Marketing Tips from Experts and Practitioners

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

Just returned from the 6th Annual Social Media & Marketing Conference sponsored by the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce and my head is spinning. It seems that no matter how much we may all think we know a lot about social media and/or marketing, there is always so much more to learn. I learned a lot today from both the presenters and other attendees. (more…)

Looking for Media Coverage? Stay Off the Phones!

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

As someone who grew up shy and still has a strong aversion to “cold calling,” I was heartened to see the results of a recent Muck Rack poll of journalists regarding their preferred methods of contact. The good news?


Connecting, Via Email, With Powerful People

Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

In a recent blog post by Peter Sims in the Harvard Business Review titled “Tips for Cold Emailing Intimidatingly Powerful People,” Sims discusses tips and strategies for “cold-emailing” the big shots and captains of industry we all want to know. When it comes to marketing efforts, defining a list of individuals you want to get your message to and shooting them a personal email is about as targeted as it gets, so knowing how to effectively reach out to leaders, influencers and big spenders in your industry is a great arrow to have in your quiver.  (more…)

What’s The Best Way to Advertise to (Insert Group Name of Your Choice)?

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

It seems like just about every week I see a question on social media, or coming through various media feeds that I monitor, asking something like: “What’s the best way to market to millennials?” or “What’s the best way to market to Baby Boomers?” or “What’s the best way to market to mothers?” or…insert any group you can think of.

While I do believe that any question is a valid question, and this one obviously must resonate with many, the question itself points to what would be my key recommendation: (more…)