Posts Tagged ‘Healthcare’

No Social Media? No Way!

Thursday, May 22nd, 2014

Financial institutions are on social media. Hospitals and healthcare systems are on social media. Even law enforcement agencies are becoming engaged. While some groups have, for very good reason, been slow to adopt social media as a means of communicating with various audiences, it’s fair to say that most organizations that have an audience of some sort have found social media to be a “must do” rather than a “we need to think about it.”

But not all. (more…)

How to Meet Senior Managers’ Expectations for Corporate Communications

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

What are senior managers across the globe and across multiple industries concerned about these days? Reputation. So says a recent study conducted by Spencer Stuart and Weber Shandwick. Not surprising given the hit that many companies have taken over recent years in terms of their reputation, credibility and trust among consumers. So what are senior leaders’ expectations of the communications function according to the study? (more…)

Are MARCOM Professionals Out of Touch? CEOs Think So, and I Tend to Agree.

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

Newsflash: according to a recent survey from Fournaise Marketing Group, 70% of the CEOs surveyed said that marketers and communicators are disconnected from business results and living “too much in their creative and social media bubble.”

Now, I appreciate the numbers being tied to this reported sentiment, and I do love surveys, but as a marketing communications (MARCOM) professional for a number of years I have to say that this is not really shocking information. Those of us in MARCOM know this; we’ve known it for a long time. Ironically, though, too few of us (more…)

Advertising in Healthcare – Driving Up Healthcare Costs?

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

Some media coverage recently by NPR and AdvertisingAge addresses the issue of advertising in the healthcare industry – whether it’s a good use of healthcare dollars and whether it is money well spent. I’ve often asked the same question. (more…)