Archive for September, 2015
Tuesday, September 29th, 2015
When Twitter first hit the social media scene, it seemed implausible or even inconceivable to many that 140 characters could provide any real value to social media marketing efforts, yet this application has emerged as one of the giants in the field. So popular, in fact, that it’s a daunting task to keep track of all of the activity on Twitter. There’s almost too much information. Some organizations (more…)
Tags: content management, content marketing, managing online content, managing social media, Social Media, twitter
Posted in Analytics, Content Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing and Branding, Marketing Communication, Strategic Communications | No Comments »
Monday, September 21st, 2015
by Linda Pophal
As more and more businesses engage in content marketing, studies show that implied endorsements from third-party experts hold more weight with buyers than what companies say about themselves. That makes logical sense. Think about how you are influenced to buy new products, try a new restaurant, etc. Will you be most influenced by their advertisements, social media posts and other self-promotions, or by what others say about them? The latter is likely to be true. (more…)
Tags: Advertising, consumer reviews, content marketing, Customer Communication, recommendations, referrals, third party endorsements, word of mouth
Posted in Business Development, Content Marketing, Marketing and Branding, Marketing Communication, Strategic Communications | No Comments »
Tuesday, September 8th, 2015
Savvy business owners and marketing professionals are always looking for ways to deepen their connection with existing customers and attract new clientele. In the age of content, newsletters and e-letters are great ways to connect with an audience and good tools for small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to use for customer engagement.
The key—as with any kind of online communication—is to (more…)
Tags: audience engagement, content marketing, Customer Communication, customer engagement, marketing communications, Social Media
Posted in Business Development, Client Relations, Content Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing and Branding, Marketing Communication, Publishing, Small Business Strategy, Strategic Communications | No Comments »
Friday, September 4th, 2015
In an industry like marketing that’s driven by having its finger on the pulse of cultural trends and attitudes, a major fear is becoming stale, outdated or thought of as “yesterday’s news.” At the same time, there’s a very real danger in being too quick to move away from the tried and true, especially in established businesses and industries. So, with the obvious need to strike some sort of balance, the clear question becomes, “How often should I update my marketing plan?” (more…)
Tags: Marketing, marketing measurement, marketing plan outcomes, marketing planning, marketing plans, strategic marketing, Strategic Planning, Strategy
Posted in Competition, Marketing and Branding, Marketing Measurement, Small Business Strategy, Strategic Communications | No Comments »
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015
Not so long ago, having a website for a small business seemed like something that was only feasible for the high-margin business or the tech-savvy entrepreneur. Today, a professional-looking website is within reach of virtually any business. Still, in the Facebook age, many businesses are tempted to use a page on the social networking site as their primary online presence.
Facebook is certainly a low-cost option to very quickly get your business’ web presence up and running; however, there are a number of considerations to keep in mind before using Facebook as your only online vehicle. (more…)
Tags: Advertising, Brand Management, Customer Communication, facebook, internet marketing, Marketing, online marketing, Social Media, web page, web sites, website
Posted in Internet Marketing, Marketing and Branding, Marketing Communication, Web Sites | No Comments »