Archive for August, 2022

Blogging Best Practices

Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

A business contact of mine asked me recently about my thoughts on the value of blogs for generating revenue and the opportunity that may exist for writers to generate content for blogs.

Personally, I think  the whole field of blogging is (more…)

Are You Making Your Customers Work Too Hard? They May Just Give Up.

Thursday, August 25th, 2022

Sometimes I think the most simple thing that we can do as businesspeople and marketers is “put ourselves in the shoes” of our prospects and customers. Are we making it easy to buy? Or are we setting up unintentional barriers, however slight, that may interfere with—or obliterate—the purchasing process?


Qualitative vs. Quantitative Customer Insights and How to Use Them

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022

A few years ago I was at a craft show—an annual outing where I sell beaded jewelry that I design and “dabble in” throughout the year. Unlike previous shows, that year I sold hardly any earrings, usually a high demand item both because of their uniqueness and low price, I think (I have to be honest with myself!). Instead, that year I sold (more…)

They Don’t Care About You; Here’s How You Can Show That You Care About Your Customers

Thursday, August 18th, 2022

Want a quick tip to help you evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising copy? It’s simple. Just take a look and see how many times you use words like “we” or “our.” What’s wrong with those words? They’re you-focused, vs. they-focused—they being the target prospects you’re hoping to influence in some way.  Instead of words like “we” and “our,” your copy should include (more…)

“More” is Not a Good Marketing Goal. Why Specificity Matters.

Tuesday, August 16th, 2022

Many of you have probably been at goal-setting seminars or workshops where the leader will pose a question like: “Would you like to make more money?,” and, of course, everybody nods or raises their hand. Then the leader will approach a workshop participant and  (more…)

I Got Wordle in One Try: What Are the Odds?

Sunday, August 7th, 2022

On July 17 I got the daily Wordle word in just one try.

Creature of Habit

I did what I always do in the morning after waking up. I immediately grabbed my phone to check messages (like real people are emailing and texting me during the night; no, my messages are primarily ads and spam but I compulsively check every day anyway). I drank my first cup of coffee for the day. I read the daily paper (yeah, I still read a hard copy local morning paper even though about 99% of everything else I read is digital). I caught up on Words With Friends—and then I played Wordle.

Every morning when it’s time for Wordle I launch the app and then I just stare at the 30 boxes on the screen for a few seconds until a five-letter word “comes” to me. (more…)

Avoiding Paralysis by Analysis: How Much Research Do You Really Need To Do?

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022

Moving forward with communication tactics without a good understanding of the target audience, their current attitudes and beliefs, and the drivers that might lead them to positive action relative to your product or service is never a good idea.

On the other hand, many companies—particularly small companies—don’t have the time or resources to invest in expensive research activities.

It’s a conundrum—but one that can be addressed (more…)