Archive for October, 2020

The 3 C’s of Marketing and STP: How they Align

Thursday, October 29th, 2020
The 3 C’s of Marketing (company, customers and competitors)  is a popular model used to help businesses and marketers develop marketing strategies by encouraging them to think about their customers and what they value, what they have to offer that address what customers value/need, and what others (competitors) are offering. It’s a model that also aligns very well with another three-pronged marketing approach: segmenting, targeting, and positioning.


Email Subject Lines: It’s Not Rocket Science, But It Is Important

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Like many things we see all of the time, email subject lines are easy to overlook, especially when drafting them. Too often, though, copywriters, content marketers, and others fail to give enough thought to their email subject lines. They’re an afterthought. Something quickly thrown together and easily overlooked, not only by those writing them but those seeing them in their email inboxes! And that’s the problem.

Fail to pay enough attention to your email subject lines and your audience will too. (more…)

Top Tips for Getting Media Exposure Through HARO/Profnet

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020
Many of the clients we work with are interested in getting media coverage to help establish themselves as thought leaders and build their reputations in a variety of fields. The good news is that it’s much easier these days to get coverage than it used to be, although the PR landscape has changed considerably since the days of sending out news releases via snail mail, calling reporters, and having limited outlets for exposure.


Write to Your Audience and SEO Will Follow

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020
Despite ongoing changes to Google algorithms as well as the ways consumers are seeking information (increasingly via voice and through mobile devices), many organizations continue to fret over SEO to the point that the copy they ultimately publish is bland, peppered with overused catchphrases, and easy to overlook.
