Posts Tagged ‘creating content’

Repurposing Content Across Different Platforms for Maximum Reach

Thursday, January 25th, 2024

In the digital marketing landscape, creating fresh, engaging content consistently can be a daunting task. But there’s a pretty simple strategy that can help you maximize your content’s reach and lifespan without constantly having to come up with new ideas: content repurposing.

Content repurposing involves taking existing content and adapting it for use across different platforms.

5 Quick Tips for Writing Headlines for Digital Marketing Efforts

Friday, September 3rd, 2021

In the newspaper business, the above-the-fold headline is a crucial aspect of grabbing a potential reader’s attention and enticing them to pick up the paper and read on. The same is true of online headlines – the hyperlinks that come up in a list when you search for something in a search engine. In addition to page ranking, an enticing headline is an important way to drive traffic to your site. With that in mind, here are some tips for generating great headlines. (more…)

Best Practices in Repurposing Content

Tuesday, January 5th, 2021

It can be extremely expensive to feed the constant demand for content from a wide range of audiences. Content marketing has become a major industry in the 21st century, with companies of all types and sizes working hard to produce content to help them distinguish themselves from competitors as they attract and engage audiences that can represent potential customers.

The costs of content creation can be positively affected, though, if companies work strategically to repurpose content in various ways. The mantra of any efficiency-oriented content creator or team should be “Create once, use many times.” Why let valuable content become buried as new content is created? Here we take a look at some practical advice from content creators who have learned to make the most of what they create. (more…)

Content IS King – Regardless of Who Said It!

Tuesday, November 24th, 2020

While there’s a debate about where the phrase “content is king” originally emerged, Bill Gates is widely given credit for the phrase and wrote what Fox Business calls a “remarkably prescient piece” back in 1996 in which he “accurately foresaw the content boom years before Google, WordPress, Facebook and YouTube even existed.” The rest, of course, is history.

Organizations of all kinds have jumped on the content bandwagon, recognizing that the trusted relationships they have with patients puts them in a prime position to share content on a wide range of topics of interest to, and representing value for, their audiences.  (more…)

Finding Multiple Uses for Your Content to Extend Its Longevity and Reach

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

Content is always changing shapes, morphing into something new. Long before there was the written word, people gathered to tell stories around campfires. Before there was a printing press, there were handwritten books. Then, of course, came ebooks. Now, our content comes to us through a dizzying array of devices and platforms. Smart creators are using the growing number of delivery options to continue to reshape content into new—and sometimes improved—forms.


Opportunities for Content Creators to Leverage Virtual Assistants

Tuesday, May 5th, 2020

Humans have been working to automate tasks since the days of Henry Ford. Sometimes, this means coming up with faster, more cost-effective ways to develop automobiles and other products or streamlining operations and reducing the need for manual labor in various manufacturing settings. Other times, it’s spurred by the rampant development of increasingly complex technology to create and distribute content. Regardless, the quest for new ways of getting work done without human intervention is ongoing.

The use of technology for content creation and dissemination is just one more example. It’s an area that is seeing increasing interest from developers and users alike. (more…)

Is Content Marketing a Viable Lead Generation Tactic? Yes, but…

Friday, January 17th, 2020

We saw a question recently in an online group to the effect of: “Is content marketing a viable lead generation tactic?” Great question, but not one that can be easily answered. The short answer is a resounding YES! But…

Content Marketing and the Pathway to Purchase

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

Business owners know that bringing in new sales can be extremely challenging and often frustrating. More often than not, a potential prospect never makes it from sales lead to paying customer. There are a number of steps along the path to purchase and prospects can be lost at any one. But it doesn’t have to be this way! At least not in the world of online marketing. Great content generation can help move prospects through your sales funnel more effectively. (more…)