Archive for December, 2018

Our Top 3 Marketing Communications Resolutions for 2019

Monday, December 31st, 2018
The word New Year's resolution written on the blackboard with blank notesAs the New Year approaches it’s time to begin thinking about New Year’s resolutions. I’m pretty goal oriented and actually love this time of year–it’s always fun to look forward to new possibilities and make new plans for growth and achievement. I also believe that thinking about and committing our goals to some formal form (whether hard copy or online) serves to formally mark them in our minds and increases the odds that we will actually move forward to achieve them. Following are our top three marketing communications resolutions for 2019.
Develop a plan for 2019 and commit it to writing.
It doesn’t have to be a “fancy” or elaborate plan, but it’s important for businesses of any size to take the time to clarify their mission, vision and values, identify goals and measurable objectives, evaluate the internal/external environment, development strategies and tactics designed to leverage strengths and opportunities and overcome threats and weaknesses, and establish metrics to monitor success. I’m a strong proponent of strategy (hence the name of my company!) and the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Strategic Planning.


Influencer Marketing: Avoiding the Potential Pitfalls

Tuesday, December 4th, 2018

(excerpted from Best Practices in Influencer Marketing)

While influencer marketing can yield big benefits, there are some potential pitfalls. Primary among them, is that it can be a lot of work, and results are not guaranteed. As Natarelli notes, “The nature of the media landscape today requires constant optimization and tinkering. You have to see audiences as fluid and fickle. Therefore, it is hard to sometimes identify and hold on to success. Clients looking for sure bets and silver bullets will be disappointed.” (more…)