A number of years ago, a colleague of mine gave me a book on fractals to read and it was fascinating! At least I thought so. It was all about how nature is made up of fractals that operate in a systematic way to create patterns (in clouds, in leaves, in trees—in everything!). It’s all very mathematical (and I didn’t understand much of the really technical content…) but the images were fascinating and the idea that there are patterns—often predictable patterns—in everything around us, was (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘Direct Marketing’
Direct Mail — The “Snail Mail” Kind — Never Goes Out of Style
Friday, September 1st, 20235 Steps for Creating an Email Marketing Campaign
Thursday, October 18th, 2018Marketers have a wide range of channels available to them in their efforts to reach potential customers. While some are general – i.e., TV commercials, billboards, radio ads – others are much more targeted and focused. Before the days of email, direct-mail marketing, in which a marketer mails marketing materials directly to a specifically identified group of recipients, was a great way to target likely customers, and it still is. But advances in technology mean that we can take this kind of marketing to the next level through email marketing. (more…)
Direct Mail Part II: Tips and Tricks for Making Direct Mail Work for You
Thursday, January 28th, 2016In a recent blog post we discussed the great potential inherent in the oft-overlooked marketing strategy of direct mail. We discussed how direct mail has a more personal feeling and how it can grab the recipient’s attention more effectively than an email, which may be ignored or filtered into junk mail or spam folders. Hopefully we converted some skeptics.
Now we’d like to take a deeper dive to look at specific tips and tricks for making direct mailing campaigns work for your organization, something covered in greater depth in our book “Direct Mail in the Digital Age.” (more…)
Direct Mail Part I: The Big Benefits of Traditional Direct Mail Marketing
Tuesday, January 12th, 2016In the age of social media, search engine optimization and email, it might sound crazy to suggest anyone think of including direct mail in their marketing strategy, but that’s just what we’re about to suggest. And, yes, by mail we mean paper mail delivered by a United States postal worker. (more…)
My #1 SEO Tip
Thursday, May 21st, 2015By Linda Pophal
Ever since websites became a reality, marketers have been interested in finding ways to drive traffic to their sites. One of the traditional ways of doing this has been through search engine optimization (SEO)—a “fancy” phrase that really just means posting content that contains the words and phrases that potential visitors are likely to enter into search engines (like Google) when they’re looking for what you have to offer. (more…)
Magic Words to Make Prospects Open Your Email Messages
Thursday, April 2nd, 2015It’s tough out there in email marketing land as millions (billions?) of marketers compete for the attention of already harassed and harried consumers. Finding those magic words to cut through the clutter is high on the wish lists of marketers everywhere. The problem is there are no magic words!
There is, though, one very important (and often overlooked) part of the email marketing message that can make a big difference: (more…)
How Will We Use Email in 2015
Wednesday, December 31st, 2014
As smartphones have become increasingly common and many—particularly the millennial generation—have turned to texting as their go-to method of communication, some have questioned the future of email as a means of communication in both personal and professional settings.
I was asked recently by a reporter what I felt the future of email is and, particularly, how we are likely to use email in 2015. Will email go away? Will it remain relevant? These are very much the same questions that have been asked of other forms of communication: Will email replace “snail mail”? Will online chat replace phone calls? “Yes” and “yes” in some cases.
Generally, though, rather than reflecting a potential replacement, these new methodologies create new options and opportunities. (more…)
The Myths of Email Marketing
Tuesday, January 21st, 2014A few years ago, driven by my curiosity about the state of traditional direct mail marketing vs. online, or email, marketing I proposed an update to a book I had written on direct marketing a number of years ago. My publisher agreed and I had the opportunity to do some research on Direct Mail in the Digital Age. As I suspected when I proposed the project (more…)
The Big Benefits of Traditional Direct Mail
Thursday, March 7th, 2013Despite the fact that the United States Postal Service (USPS) is struggling and about to cut back on their delivery, there are some (including me) that believe that traditional direct mail still holds benefits for both marketers and consumers. In an increasingly cluttered email environment, after all, marketers will be challenged to come up with new ways to “capture eyeballs.” Traditional direct mail may hold some opportunities for a number of reasons: (more…)
The Reports of the Death of Direct Mail Are Greatly Exaggerated
Thursday, February 28th, 2013A couple of years ago I proposed a book update to one of my publishers. I had written a book on direct mail marketing back in 1992 and, obviously, things have changed quite a bit since then. Not surprisingly, as I began my research, I discovered that the direct mail landscape had changed quite a big to accommodate–and capitalize on–new media. I found that my personal belief that traditional direct mail might be seeing somewhat of a resurgence was right on. Effective marketers were beginning to seize upon the ability to communicate in a less-cluttered space. For example: (more…)