We sponsor, and I present a session on marketing at, the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s Entrepreneurial Training Program; my session is on marketing. When I first spoke with the program’s director about the program he pointed out that one of the major missteps that he saw from participants was that they too broadly defined their target audiences. They generally felt that their products or services appealed to “everyone.” He was right. (more…)
Archive for June, 2013
How Do You Find and Target the Right Customers
Thursday, June 27th, 2013Special Challenges for Service-Oriented Brands: It’s All About the People!
Tuesday, June 11th, 2013Much of my work over the years has been with “service brands”–brands that are not tied to a particular product, but to the delivery of some type of service, like health care, legal services, educational services, energy services, engineering services, consulting services, etc.
Developing and maintaining a strong brand for a service organization is, in my opinion, significantly more challenging than developing and maintaining a strong brand for a product. Why? Because a service is less tangible, more ephemeral–and often involves multiple “touchpoints” that really determine the “brand experience.”
What makes a strong brand? (more…)
Does Thinking Outside the Box Require Being Outside the Box? Yes – An Outside Perspective Breeds Innovation
Tuesday, June 4th, 2013Daniel Pink, one of the leading modern thinkers about work and the business environment, and the author of several books including, most recently, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, suggests in a recent The Telegraph article that we are more creative when solving other peoples’ problems. He presents the results of a very interesting experiment that demonstrates that a group of people working on a problem on behalf of someone else do far better than a group of people working on what they are told is their own problem.
Fascinating, but upon reflection, not all that surprising. In fact, (more…)