Archive for the ‘Marketing Communication’ Category

Get Results With These 10 Tested Copywriting Tips

Monday, July 16th, 2018

Whether you’re writing a brochure, copy for a newspaper ad, a script for a radio announcement or a page or blog for your website, there are some tried and true techniques that can help you make sure that your copy gets the results you’re looking for.

Think about writing copy as making a sales pitch to a customer. Your goal is to persuade that customer to do something – most likely to purchase your product or service. Here’s how: (more…)

Cultivating Customer Advocates in a B2B Environment

Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

Hiring marketing or content marketing talent?by Justin Grensing, Esq., MBA


Few things can be as effective at generating sales as positive customer reviews. Similarly, and conversely, few things can be as damaging to sales as negative customer reviews. In terms of online retail, a recent survey found that positive reviews influence the purchase decisions of 90 percent of respondents, while negative reviews influence around 86 percent. But that’s in the B2C (business-to-consumer) world. In B2C, there are a relatively large number of customer interactions compared to B2B (business-to-business). This means that while B2B has fewer potential customer reviews to base a purchase decision on, each one is that much more impactful. (more…)

The Power of Podcasts

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

Savvy marketers are always on the lookout for new media through which to promote their companies. From print media, to radio, to television, to the Internet, it hasn’t taken long historically between the development of a new media technology to the adoption of that media by marketers.

In an article for Entrepreneur, Aj Agrawal makes the case for podcasts as the next potentially lucrative marketing channel. (more…)

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should!

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

There’s an old saying that has been used to describe exceptional salespeople: “They’re so good that they could sell ice cubes to Eskimos.” The point being that Eskimos, living in a cold climate, really don’t need ice cubes, and are likely an audience that is going to be tough to crack. But, great salespeople could crack them.

Our perspective: Why? (more…)

Email Marketing is Not Dead: Why It’s a Top Tool for Connecting With Millennials

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018

38309393 - group of different families together of all racesYou don’t have to be a tech-savvy millennial to set up your email’s junk mail filters to ensure you never see an unsolicited advertisement. But when it comes to millennials, email marketing may be one of the best options available. Matt Bryant, writing for PPR North America, writes that, “millennials, the first generation of digital natives (grew up using computers), don’t respond to traditional advertising and marketing tactics as past generations did. A recent study found that 84 percent of millennials don’t like traditional advertising nor do they trust it.” So, how can you effectively reach this group? You may be surprised. (more…)

Content Marketing and the Pathway to Purchase

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

Business owners know that bringing in new sales can be extremely challenging and often frustrating. More often than not, a potential prospect never makes it from sales lead to paying customer. There are a number of steps along the path to purchase and prospects can be lost at any one. But it doesn’t have to be this way! At least not in the world of online marketing. Great content generation can help move prospects through your sales funnel more effectively. (more…)

All It Takes is a Little Nudge

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Hiring marketing or content marketing talent?People may sometimes think about marketing as the process of convincing someone to buy something they may not be initially inclined to purchase. Maybe it’s luring a customer away from a competitor or convincing someone to buy something they don’t really need.

From a more marketing-friendly perspective, though, the process could be seen as (more…)

Captivating Consumers With Top-Notch Product Images

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

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How important are product images in your online marketing activities? If you effectively describe the product specifications, give some detailed reviews and have an in-depth description, is that enough? It seems like it isn’t. In fact, Lumina Datamatics cites a survey by the National Retail Federation showing that 67 percent of customers consider images more important than product-specific information, long descriptions and product reviews.

Think about that for a second. (more…)

Guiding Consumers to the Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)

Thursday, November 30th, 2017

Customer reviews, client reviews, best PR firm, public relations, content marketingThe word “sales” often conjures up some very specific images. A man in a suit holding a briefcase going door-to-door selling encyclopedias or vacuums, for example. Or a guy hustling in a car lot. But as we know, sales is, in reality, a process. A process that ends with a pitch. The direct pitch to the customer or the final sales touchpoint is the last step in the sales process and is often referred to as “the bottom of the funnel” (BOFU). It follows TOFU (top of the funnel) and MOFU (middle of the funnel) activities that are designed to move the consumer down a pathway to a purchase. (more…)

Focusing on Value Over Features in B2B Sales

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

To a large extent, the sales and marketing world can be divided along two broad lines: business-to-business (B2B) versus business-to-consumer (B2C) and products versus services. Sales strategies for B2C services will differ from B2B services, which differ from B2B products, etc. There are best practices and pitfalls for each quadrant of possible scenarios created by this way of looking at sales and marketing. (more…)