Posts Tagged ‘creativity’

Finding the Right Balance Between Standard Processes and Variation

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

Women considering yes, no, maybe optionsI was playing Solitaire on a flight recently and was struck by how much I like developing and following standardized processes, yet how likely I am to vary from a process when I think it’s appropriate.

The trouble is (more…)

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should!

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

There’s an old saying that has been used to describe exceptional salespeople: “They’re so good that they could sell ice cubes to Eskimos.” The point being that Eskimos, living in a cold climate, really don’t need ice cubes, and are likely an audience that is going to be tough to crack. But, great salespeople could crack them.

Our perspective: Why? (more…)

Creativity Means Nothing if You Can’t Deliver on the “Brand Promise”

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

Inc. magazine recently put out an entertaining list called “Top 9 Brand Blunders of All Time.” Most of these blunders were one-off decisions or short-term campaigns that had a major—and negative—impact on an established brand. These blunders highlight some key mistakes, both practically and conceptually, when it comes to branding. (more…)