Posts Tagged ‘customer relationships’

Cultivating Customer Advocates in a B2B Environment

Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

Hiring marketing or content marketing talent?by Justin Grensing, Esq., MBA


Few things can be as effective at generating sales as positive customer reviews. Similarly, and conversely, few things can be as damaging to sales as negative customer reviews. In terms of online retail, a recent survey found that positive reviews influence the purchase decisions of 90 percent of respondents, while negative reviews influence around 86 percent. But that’s in the B2C (business-to-consumer) world. In B2C, there are a relatively large number of customer interactions compared to B2B (business-to-business). This means that while B2B has fewer potential customer reviews to base a purchase decision on, each one is that much more impactful. (more…)

When It’s Time for a Customer To Go: Ending the Relationship on a Positive Note

Thursday, December 14th, 2017

Hiring marketing or content marketing talent?Most people who have worked in any customer-facing role, whether as a waiter, retail clerk, or business relationship manager, have had to deal with difficult customers. And, when you’re working for someone else, you typically just have to grin and bear it. However, for freelancers and small business owners, you have some flexibility. You have the ability to make decisions about whether or not to keep a client or customer.

That’s not always as easy said as done, of course. (more…)