Posts Tagged ‘effective content marketing’

From Traffic to Income: A Comprehensive Guide to Monetizing Your Website—Part 2

Thursday, August 22nd, 2024

In Part 1 of this three-part series, we took a look at how website content can be optimized to deliver a relevant audience as a first step to successfully monetizing that content. Here, we take a deeper dive into how to deliver content designed to be monetized. (more…)

Write to Your Audience and SEO Will Follow

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020
Despite ongoing changes to Google algorithms as well as the ways consumers are seeking information (increasingly via voice and through mobile devices), many organizations continue to fret over SEO to the point that the copy they ultimately publish is bland, peppered with overused catchphrases, and easy to overlook.


Get These Two Things Right For Effective Content Marketing

Thursday, October 20th, 2016

content marketing, writing content, writing, copywriting, Content Marketing Institute, CMI, Joe PulizziContent marketing has been a hot topic in recent years, and it’s an area Strategic Communications has been engaged in for some time. We have written about and given presentations on content marketing frequently, most frequently for EContent Magazine.  This June, we gave a presentation on strategic content marketing at the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) annual international conference in New Orleans.

As we talk with others about content marketing, we’re often surprised that many mistakenly think of content marketing as a business-to-consumer strategy; however, it’s also an important tool for business-to-business (B2B) strategy as well.

So, what exactly is content marketing? (more…)

Creating an Exceptional Digital Team

Saturday, January 23rd, 2016

While many small business owners start out as jacks-of-all-trades, as the business grows, it becomes necessary to bring on talent to specialize in specific areas of the company. Digital marketing is no exception. Just as an entrepreneur will at some point need to separate the digital marketing duties from the operations duties, a more sophisticated company will eventually want to break up the roles of the digital marketing unit. Here are some tips and strategies for putting together an effective digital marketing team. (more…)