Posts Tagged ‘gaining media exposure’

How NOT to Use Tools Like SOS and Qwoted to Gain Media Coverage

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

First there was Profnet. Then HARO (Help A Reporter Out). Then other similar tools entered the space, clearly to combat a decline in the value of pitches these early channels were generating. Most recently, Peter Shankman, the guy who created HARO, has launched SOS (formerly, and quite briefly, HERO). It’s a welcome new tool that, at least for now, seems to be successfully thrwarting the fake profiles and bot/GenAI-generated pitches. (more…)

Some of Our Clients Want Coverage in WSJ—Many Don’t. Here’s Why.

Thursday, July 21st, 2022

What is an article about your company in the Wall St. Journal worth? How about in Nursing—or your local newspaper? Is the Wall St. Journal worth more?

Well – as in many things in life the answer is (more…)

Top Tips for Getting Media Exposure Through HARO/Profnet

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020
Many of the clients we work with are interested in getting media coverage to help establish themselves as thought leaders and build their reputations in a variety of fields. The good news is that it’s much easier these days to get coverage than it used to be, although the PR landscape has changed considerably since the days of sending out news releases via snail mail, calling reporters, and having limited outlets for exposure.
