Posts Tagged ‘search engine optimization’

How SEO (Still) Works in 2024: Understanding the Language of Your Audience

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

Understanding the language of your audience - how SEO still works in 2024

In my last blog I talked about what I’ve observed as a disconnect between how businesses often talk about their own products and services and how their prospects and customers talk about them. This disconnect can become a significant obstacle when it comes to SEO designed to get audiences to your website. If you’re not using the same words and phrases that your target audience uses when they’re looking for products and services like yours, they’re not likely to find you. (more…)

SEO in 2024: Adapting Your Content Strategy for New Algorithms

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024

As we move further into 2024, the landscape of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is evolving at an unprecedented pace, largely driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These technologies are reshaping how search engines understand user intent and deliver results, making it imperative for SEO professionals and content creators to adapt their strategies accordingly.

Here we take a look at some key trends and strategies for SEO in 2024, that you can use to help ensure that your content remains visible and effective in the face of continually evolving algorithmic changes. (more…)

The Power and Potential of Local Search

Thursday, November 17th, 2022

Think about how you use search engines (most likely Google) to find information about goods and services you are planning to purchase. Chances are, in most cases, your searches are local. Sure Amazon is a top consumer site when purchasing things, but since the pandemic and in a tight economy, there’s a growing interest in “buying local.” (more…)

You’re Using LinkedIn the Wrong Way—Here’s What We Recommend Instead

Tuesday, June 7th, 2022

social media marketing, how to use linkedin, twitter, facebook and other channels to achieve marketing results

I’ve had a LinkedIn profile since 2009. It has become the top source of referrals for my content marketing and marketing consulting services. Not because of the “brilliant” posts I share. Not because I get tons of likes and shares. Not because I write clever copy.

So how have I successfully leveraged LinkedIn to generate leads—and new clients—consistently? (more…)

What You Need to Know About Changes in SEO Strategy

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

SEO has long been the holy grail for internet marketers—and content creators—of all kinds. Attracting eyeballs, and website visitors, was job number one. While that’s still the case to a large degree, SEO has become less of a numbers game and more of a driver for creating high-quality, relevant content. This is because of the ongoing algorithmic changes that Google and other search engines make to deliver a positive search experience for users. (more…)

Sometimes SEO, as We Typically Think of it, Just Doesn’t Matter!

Thursday, February 25th, 2021

I’ve written about search engine optimization (SEO) in the past and have gathered input from a wide range of content and digital marketing experts about the topic. As someone who was writing advertising copy long before SEO was “a thing,” I have kind of a love/hate relationship with the concept. Or maybe I should say a love/grudging respect for the concept. (more…)

Write to Your Audience and SEO Will Follow

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020
Despite ongoing changes to Google algorithms as well as the ways consumers are seeking information (increasingly via voice and through mobile devices), many organizations continue to fret over SEO to the point that the copy they ultimately publish is bland, peppered with overused catchphrases, and easy to overlook.


SEO and Me: A Love/Hate Relationship

Monday, March 16th, 2020

by Linda Pophal


I have a love/hate relationship with search engine optimization (SEO). I understand SEO. I very often use the concepts in my own writing—and often use the concepts in writing for clients. Sometimes, though, and probably because I was a writer long before SEO was even “a thing,” I balk at what can seem at times to be a misguided focus—a singular focus—on SEO to the exception of everything else. (more…)

Using Google Search Console to Improve Your SEO

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

Google Search Console (GSC) (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) is a free online resource of tools and reports that Google makes available to users to help them improve their websites and optimize them for search. If you have a website, you should be using GSC—or using an agency that can help you uncover valuable insights to help improve your website performance. (more…)

Communication Channels Don’t Work in Isolation: Be Strategic!

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020

A lot of questions I see related to digital marketing tend to compartmentalize, or silo, various types of communications. For instance, questions about social media or even about specific social media channels. Or questions about blogging. Or questions about website performance. (more…)