Archive for the ‘Media Relations/PR’ Category

Getting Media Coverage: 7 Best Practices That Really Work

Friday, May 22nd, 2020
Companies of all types and sizes understand that media coverage can be a great way to get their names in front of audiences of all types. Today’s massive media market means ample opportunity to do just that. And, the good news these days is that you don’t need to hire an expensive PR firm or publicist to get the exposure you’re looking for (although we do offer those services at a very reasonable rate). You may also be interested in our book, 21st Century Secrets to Effective PR, which offers our own tips as well as tips and best practices from many other PR practitioners.


Peloton: The Latest Example of Consumer Outrage Over Ad Content

Tuesday, December 17th, 2019

Occasionally companies and their advertising teams will find themselves in hot water for controversial advertisements or campaigns that set out to be edgy or funny, but push the envelope a bit too far. Consider, among the many examples, Bacardi’s “ugly girlfriend” ad, Burger King’s sexually suggestive “Super Seven Incher” ads and Dove’s “Before & After” ad showing a transition from a black to a white woman.

Likely these companies knew they were taking a risk in putting those ads out there but didn’t fully appreciate the likelihood of the level of potential backlash. But sometimes ads not intended to contain any type of offensive content still manage to offend. (more…)

Important Marketing and Branding Takeaways From Krispy Kreme and a Youthful Entrepreneur

Wednesday, November 27th, 2019

by Justin Grensing, Esq., MBA

Every once in a while, a real-life situation comes up that lends itself nicely to some core marketing concepts. These serve as great teaching tools and discussion points because they actually happened, and they’re relatable. Here’s a recent example involving Krispy Kreme and an entrepreneurial college student. (more…)

Papa John’s Takes a Dip; Shaq Comes to the Rescue in More Ways Than One

Thursday, July 25th, 2019

Having a real person associated with your brand can help your company connect with consumers on a personal level. It can also bring negative publicity from the actions or statements of those spokespeople. While it might be harder for audiences to connect personally with the Trix Bunny or Pillsbury Dough Boy, neither is likely to be in the news for making offensive statements or getting arrested.

That can’t be said for real-life figureheads or spokespeople.


What We Can Learn From Amazon’s HQ2 Failure

Thursday, March 7th, 2019

by Justin Grensing, Esq., MBA

 We recently wrote a blog post on some of the lessons to be learned from a decision by retail giant Amazon to abandon plans to open one half of its HQ2 in New York City. The media have been quick to label the decision as a failure and a PR disaster for the firm that stirred up months of media frenzy when it announced its search for an HQ2 several months ago. (more…)

Key Takeaways From Amazon’s NYC Exodus

Thursday, February 21st, 2019

content marketing, content management, content strategy, strategic marketing, marketing strategically, strategic communicationsby Justin Grensing, Esq., MBA

On February 14 – Valentine’s Day – Amazon announced a break up with New York City. The company faced intense backlash from community members after it was announced that the much-anticipated HQ2 would be split between New York and Arlington Virginia.

Here are some takeaways from a marketing perspective on the tech giant’s big decision. (more…)

Best Practice Insights: Include PR Implications in Decision-Making Processes

Saturday, February 16th, 2019

by Justin Grensing, Esq., MBA


In recent weeks there have been multiple high-profile instances of company policies garnering unwanted national attention. (more…)

Delta and Coke Valentines Blunder a Good Lesson for Others

Thursday, February 14th, 2019

Customer reviews, client reviews, best PR firm, public relations, content marketingby Justin Grensing, Esq., MBA

The marketing world can be fickle. Marketers and advertisers are lauded as geniuses when their bold or creative plans pan out. But they’re derided as fools or worse when their plans fall flat. Often, it’s just the benefit of hindsight that makes a great idea turn out to be idiotic.

Well, in hindsight, a Valentines-themed gimmick looks like a pretty bad idea.  (more…)

They Call It Public RELATIONS for a Reason

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

(excerpted from 21st Century Secrets to Effective PR: Tips and Best Practices for Gaining Media Exposure)

What’s the most important thing that any business person should know about working with the media? Relationships matter! I’ve been working with the media for a number of years — both as one of them in my role as a business journalist and on the other side of the relationship as a PR professional. Because I’ve had a foot in both camps for so long, I don’t have the same level of fear or anxiety about working with the media as many often do. I don’t view the media as “the enemy,” but as an ally in most cases. I need the media to help me get important messages out to various audiences. The goal: (more…)

How Social Media is Changing Advertising and PR

Wednesday, November 21st, 2018

(excerpted from 21st Century Secrets to Effective PR: Tips and Best Practices for Gaining Media Exposure)

In the “old days,” there was advertising and there was PR. Advertising was paid communication that we created about ourselves. PR was communication that we earned through creating relationships and clever pitches to the media gatekeepers who would then share information about us on our behalf. Social media represents a new communication option that has had, and will continue to have, a marked impact on both advertising and PR. (more…)