Posts Tagged ‘employer brand’

Don’t Let Go of Your Brand Promise

Friday, April 10th, 2020
One of our clients in the health care space has been focusing her communication efforts with health care organizations on reminding them to maintain their focus on the brand promise. This may not seem like the time to do that. We agree with her, though, that it is.


Marketing: It’s Not Just For Getting New Customers

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017

media relations, PR, Beloit College Mindset list


When businesses think about marketing, it’s typically and understandably in the context of attracting business. People who will pay you money. But marketing your business to potential employees — those you will pay money — can be just as important. And yet, so many employers overlook the importance of such marketing. As Wes Gay writes for Forbes, “Businesses are familiar with investing in consumer marketing, yet rarely consider investing in marketing for new employees. This is especially important for companies looking to recruit top millennial talent, as reaching the millennial generation can be challenging for older companies.”


With that in mind, we thought we’d provide some tips on how to market yourself to potential employees. The process is very much the same as any form of marketing. Here’s what you need to know. (more…)

Your Website and Your Employer Brand

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

Since the dawn of the Internet Age, businesses have been quick to see the benefit of a company website to attract customers; however, a company website, like any communication channel, should be thought of in the context of all of an organization’s stakeholders. This includes business partners and potential business partners, as well as employees and – the focus of this blog post – potential employees. (more…)

Two Must-Haves for a Strong Employer Brand

Tuesday, November 8th, 2016

Big conference roomWhen we talk about branding, we focus a lot on an organization’s corporate image, the impression the market has about its service, the quality of its leaders and key or, if a service organization, the personal touch its employees provide. These are certainly important areas of focus for branding; however, in a service-driven marketplace, employers are becoming more and more aware of the importance of human capital. From senior leaders to front line employees, organizations need to attract the best and brightest to remain competitive for the long run. There are plenty of strategies and tips for effective employer branding, but here we focus on two: (more…)

A Step-by-Step Process for Evaluating Your Employer Brand

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Group of diverse people against white backgroundIn a previous blog post, we talked about the importance of employer branding and why consistency and coordination between the marketing arm and the human resources arm are crucial. In this post, we’re going to look at a practical, step-by-step approach to building that brand by applying some fundamental branding tips to the employer branding context.

Generally, in working with organizations on these types of projects, there are five steps: (more…)

Maximizing the Impact of Your Employer Brand: Yes, You Have One!

Thursday, September 22nd, 2016

MentorWhen we talk about branding, we focus a lot on a company’s corporate image: the impression the market has about its products or how its audience views its services. These are certainly important areas of focus for branding. One area that often gets overlooked, though, is the employer brand: how do current and potential employees view your organization?

Why does it matter? For a couple of reasons: (more…)

Managing and Monitoring Your Social Connections

Thursday, April 28th, 2016

Many small businesses understand the importance of social media for their marketing efforts. Their owners or managers may be active on a variety of platforms — from Facebook and LinkedIn to Twitter and Instagram — and many run blogs with information relevant to their target markets. At the same time, many small business owners are close socially with their employees. They may play on common recreational league teams, go out together for happy hours, etc.

Just as there should be boundaries in your social interactions with employees, there should be certain ground rules for engaging with employees on social media. Here are some key considerations. (more…)

Managing the “Employer Brand”

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

Every company is–or should be–concerned about its brand. Even those that are, though, tend to focus more on the customer-facing brand. Granted, customer and prospects perspectives are important. But there’s another key audience that often gets overlooked in the rush to build brand. (more…)