Posts Tagged ‘internal communications’

Creating a Plan to Improve Corporate Communications

Tuesday, October 5th, 2021
Effective corporate communication has always been important. Now, though, in a hybrid and continuing uncertain corporate environment, it’s more important than ever for organizations to determine how effective their corporate communications efforts are, and what adjustments or improvements need to be made to keep employees engaged, productive, and employed!
What worked pre-pandemic almost certainly doesn’t work anymore. It’s critical that corporate communications and HR staff work together to create a strategy and plan for moving forward.


What is Customer Communications Management?

Monday, January 21st, 2019

Customer communications management—or CCM—is a term that has been making its way into marketing and customer relations circles and conversations lately. But, is it something new, or just a repositioning of the same, classic approach to communication management that marketers have been using for years? Is this a term just used to apply to what is also known as digital marketing, or does it have an analog component as well?  (more…)

Managing and Monitoring Your Social Connections

Thursday, April 28th, 2016

Many small businesses understand the importance of social media for their marketing efforts. Their owners or managers may be active on a variety of platforms — from Facebook and LinkedIn to Twitter and Instagram — and many run blogs with information relevant to their target markets. At the same time, many small business owners are close socially with their employees. They may play on common recreational league teams, go out together for happy hours, etc.

Just as there should be boundaries in your social interactions with employees, there should be certain ground rules for engaging with employees on social media. Here are some key considerations. (more…)