Posts Tagged ‘copywriting’

Best Practices in Repurposing Content

Tuesday, January 5th, 2021

It can be extremely expensive to feed the constant demand for content from a wide range of audiences. Content marketing has become a major industry in the 21st century, with companies of all types and sizes working hard to produce content to help them distinguish themselves from competitors as they attract and engage audiences that can represent potential customers.

The costs of content creation can be positively affected, though, if companies work strategically to repurpose content in various ways. The mantra of any efficiency-oriented content creator or team should be “Create once, use many times.” Why let valuable content become buried as new content is created? Here we take a look at some practical advice from content creators who have learned to make the most of what they create. (more…)

Write to Your Audience and SEO Will Follow

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020
Despite ongoing changes to Google algorithms as well as the ways consumers are seeking information (increasingly via voice and through mobile devices), many organizations continue to fret over SEO to the point that the copy they ultimately publish is bland, peppered with overused catchphrases, and easy to overlook.


SEO and Me: A Love/Hate Relationship

Monday, March 16th, 2020

by Linda Pophal


I have a love/hate relationship with search engine optimization (SEO). I understand SEO. I very often use the concepts in my own writing—and often use the concepts in writing for clients. Sometimes, though, and probably because I was a writer long before SEO was even “a thing,” I balk at what can seem at times to be a misguided focus—a singular focus—on SEO to the exception of everything else. (more…)

10 Tips for Writing Great Copy!

Tuesday, December 24th, 2019

Whether you’re writing a brochure, copy for a newspaper ad, a script for a radio announcement or a page or blog for your web site, there are some tried and true techniques that can help you make sure that your copy gets the results you’re looking for.

Think about writing copy as making a sales pitch to a customer. Your goal is to persuade that customer to do something – most likely to purchase your product or service. Here’s how: (more…)

Use Your Boilerplate to Sell, Your Content to Tell

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

by Linda Pophal


best practices for copywriting and content marketing

Strategic Communications has been working with clients for a number of years now (since 2008). We’ve helped dozens of clients establish themselves as thought leaders and/or drive traffic to their websites to generate leads and drive conversions. Long before then (I won’t even say how long because it scares me!), I was writing features for business and professional trade publications and spent a number of years as a copywriter, writing marketing copy as part of my full-time job.


How to Deal With Communication Dabblers

Thursday, August 15th, 2019

If you’re ever created content for any purpose, chances are you’ve encountered a dabbler. A dabbler is someone who, when asked to review copy (or who is responsible for reviewing copy because of their position), suffers from severe scope creep. They just can’t stop themselves from offering far more, and far more detailed, input than what was expected.

Dabblers like to dabble. It’s what they do. Unfortunately, what they do can create a lot of headaches, and much rework and added expense, for those in the business of producing and publishing content of any kind.  (more…)

5 Steps for Creating an Email Marketing Campaign

Thursday, October 18th, 2018

Marketers have a wide range of channels available to them in their efforts to reach potential customers. While some are general – i.e., TV commercials, billboards, radio ads – others are much more targeted and focused. Before the days of email, direct-mail marketing, in which a marketer mails marketing materials directly to a specifically identified group of recipients, was a great way to target likely customers, and it still is. But advances in technology mean that we can take this kind of marketing to the next level through email marketing. (more…)

5 Tips for Crafting Online Headlines

Tuesday, October 16th, 2018

In the newspaper business, the above-the-fold headline is a crucial aspect of grabbing a potential reader’s attention and enticing them to pick up the paper and read on. The same is true of online headlines – the hyperlinks that come up in a list when you search for something in a search engine. In addition to page ranking, an enticing headline is an important way to drive traffic to your site. Here are some tips for generating great headlines. (more…)

Get Results With These 10 Tested Copywriting Tips

Monday, July 16th, 2018

Whether you’re writing a brochure, copy for a newspaper ad, a script for a radio announcement or a page or blog for your website, there are some tried and true techniques that can help you make sure that your copy gets the results you’re looking for.

Think about writing copy as making a sales pitch to a customer. Your goal is to persuade that customer to do something – most likely to purchase your product or service. Here’s how: (more…)

Why It Pays to Be “You,” Rather Than “Me,” Focused

Thursday, January 19th, 2017

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By now, most business owners and business professionals have accepted the value that social media can have in helping to raise awareness, create preference and drive traffic to websites and to brick-and-mortar establishments. But, unfortunately, not all are communicating effectively through these channels.

We often see two common missteps, which we try to advise clients against doing: (more…)