Posts Tagged ‘public relations’

Managing the “Employer Brand”

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

Every company is–or should be–concerned about its brand. Even those that are, though, tend to focus more on the customer-facing brand. Granted, customer and prospects perspectives are important. But there’s another key audience that often gets overlooked in the rush to build brand. (more…)

Looking for Media Coverage? Stay Off the Phones!

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

As someone who grew up shy and still has a strong aversion to “cold calling,” I was heartened to see the results of a recent Muck Rack poll of journalists regarding their preferred methods of contact. The good news?


Working With the Media? Relationships Matter!

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

What’s the most important thing that any business person should know about working with the media? Relationships matter! I’ve been working with the media for a number of years–both as one of them in my role as a business journalist and on the other side of the relationship as a PR professional. Because I’ve had a foot in both camps for so long, I don’t have the same level of fear or anxiety about working with the media as many often do. I don’t view the media as “the enemy” but as an ally in most cases. I need the media to help me get important messages out to various audiences. The goal:


How NOT to Pitch to the Media! Tips and Techniques for Seeing Your Name in the News

Thursday, May 30th, 2013

Today, more than ever, companies and individuals are hoping to get media exposure – after all, they figure (and not unreasonably), that media exposure is “free” and media coverage tends to be more favorably perceived than the advertising messages we share about ourselves.

Unfortunately, many novice “pitchpeople” make a number of seemingly “minor” errors as they try to get their stories covered. Many of these errors aren’t minor, however. Tick off a reporter once and the chances of connecting again in the future are slim. Here are some things to avoid: (more…)

What Makes Great Marketers Great?

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

The skills of great marketers are many, but are primarily rooted in an understanding of consumer or human behavior and all of its complexities. Marketing is a challenging field of endeavor because, while there are certain principles and tenets of practice that are widely accepted, there are also many exceptions that challenge the rules. I’ve been a marketer, I’ve worked with marketers, I’ve hired marketers–both as staff people and as external consultants or vendors. I’ve worked with both effective and not so effective marketers. What does it take to join the ranks of the effective marketers?  In my opinion, those who will be most effective in marketing-related positions are those who: (more…)

Is The News Release — aka Press Release — Dead?

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

There was a long, lengthy and actually quite interesting (for communication nerds like me, anyway…) discussion in a LinkedIn group recently about the proper terminology for a commonly used communication tool designed to generate interest from the media — is it a “press” release, a “news” release, a “media” release or something else? Truth be told, it probably doesn’t matter what we call it — what really matters, pointed out the pragmatists in the group — is whether or not the desired results are achieved. And that created an entirely separate discussion! Regardless of what you call it, is the practice of sending out self-proclaiming statements via “snail” mail or, now, email, a thing of the past? Are there better, more effective, means of generating media attention? The answer–yes, and no… (more…)

How to Generate Leads With a Limited Marketing Budget

Thursday, February 21st, 2013
In our technology-driven world, the good news for marketers is that lead generation does not have to take a huge investment. Traditional media still have a place, but the Internet and social media make it more cost-effective than ever to raise awareness, generate leads and ultimately create sales.
The process of lead generation is the same as it ever was, but (more…)

Looking for PR/media coverage? Some do’s and don’ts.

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012

Like many writers/PR people, I have been fortunate to have experience in both worlds. As a freelance writer for a number of years I often turn to PR professionals and publicists for assistance in finding sources. And I learn a lot from them about what works and what doesn’t in terms of providing journalists (me, in this case) with useful information. I use the things I learn with my “freelancer writer hat” on when I’m attempting to generate PR/media coverage for my business or my clients.

I’ve learned a lot from the bad examples I see from over-zealous, inexperienced and annoying PR people or “experts.” (more…)

Does PR Matter in the Internet Age? Duh!

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

I monitor a variety of online forums and recently was engaged in a thread that addressed the question of whether PR (public relations) is still relevant. I was surprised by the question because, in my opinion, PR is more relevant today than ever and is rapidly supplanting the value of advertising.

The difference between the two: (more…)

Tips for Successful Media Exposure

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012
Gaining exposure through the media continues to be a great way for organizations to reach and influence various audiences. And, of course, today the “media” has vastly expanded to include not only traditional media (print and broadcast), but blogs and other online venues. Successful media exposure requires both proactive and reactive efforts. Whether you’re just developing a media plan, or have already been interacting with the media, here are some key steps and tactics to ensure the best results from your efforts: (more…)