Archive for the ‘Media Relations/PR’ Category

Building Up Your Expert Status Through Strategic Communications

Thursday, March 9th, 2017

Credibility is crucial for marketing efforts, whether B2B or B2C. Just as a consumer needs to be able to trust the business selling a product or service, business partnerships need to be built on trust as well. A great way to build this credibility is to be seen as an expert on a particular subject or in a particular field. A world-renowned heart surgeon who spends time as a medical professor, for example, is likely to be much sought after by those in need of heart surgery. The difference is personal branding. (more…)

The New Extended Life of Super Bowl Commercials

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

football in foreground for super bowlIn the world of advertising, perhaps no event is as highly touted as the Super Bowl — or at least its commercials. According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), nearly 190 million were expected to tune into the Super Bowl this year, making the four-hour event a prime venue for advertisers. And unlike most events where many viewers use modern technology to fast-forward through annoying advertisements, Super Bowl advertisers have an eager audience. In fact, the NRF reports that 17.7 percent — about 43 million people — say the commercials are the primary reason they watch the game. All that access comes at a price, of course. (more…)

Lessons Learned When Newsjacking Goes Awry…

Sunday, January 1st, 2017

Soci al media is a key marketing tool that no business should overlook. To stay relevant to your audience, this medium requires being fluid and agile while staying up to date on the latest trends, buzz and news. Unfortunately, much of the news and buzz of 2016 has been around some of the great celebrities we’ve lost, including athletes, astronauts, politicians, actors and musicians. Commenting on these tragedies is, obviously, a sensitive matter, making it especially important to exercise caution before casting messages into cyberspace. Unfortunately, too often, even big businesses who we’d assume know better, commit egregious social faux pas. (more…)

Is There Such a Thing as Negative Publicity? We Think So.

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

We’ve all heard the old adage “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” The rationale for this is that even if the portrayal of your brand or organization is negative, you’re sticontent marketing, content management, newsjacking, social media, digital marketing, SEO, online marketingll getting your name out there. But let’s be realistic. Nobody wants negative publicity. Even if it does mean getting your name out there, it really can be quite bad.

There’s no magic bullet to make bad publicity simply go away once it happens. Still, there is a simple formula to deal with negative publicity. (more…)

Contributed Content and Thought Leadership: Two Ingredients for Great Media Coverage

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

Creative business corporate work concept: tablet computer PC, modern black glossy touchscreen smartphone with news internet web site, stack of newspapers, cup or mug of fresh coffee and metal ballpoint pen on wooden office table

Marketers are often on the lookout for opportunities for free publicity, and why not? Marketing can be expensive, and it’s hard to beat free when it comes to getting bang for your buck. While some businesses have found success in outlandish publicity stunts, we certainly don’t recommend such a dramatic approach, especially for those working in more conservative industries—e.g. healthcare, financial services, etc., where so much of the organization’s focus relies on promoting an image of safety and responsibility. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t still opportunities for free or inexpensive publicity, even in super conservative organizations. Here are a few tips we and our clients have had steady success with: (more…)

Crisis Management in a Digital World

Thursday, October 27th, 2016

Public Relations word cloudAt Strategic Communications, we are firm believers in the value of social media and online publicity for any. It’s a huge part of what we do and what we advise our clients to do. While the impact of social media can be overwhelmingly positive, there are occasionally situations that can be extremely damaging to the reputation and livelihood of an organization. We’re talking, of course, about the dreaded social media crisis. (more…)

Content Marketing: Developing Your Brand With Consistency and Regularity

Thursday, October 6th, 2016

content marketing, building thought leadership, becoming a though leader, strategic communications, brand managementFor a small business or a new startup, marketing can be a real challenge. It’s not just the financial aspect; it’s also finding the right channels to get your brand in front of the potential customers you’re after. While some businesses have found success in outlandish publicity stunts, we don’t recommend such a dramatic approach. (more…)

Preparing for a Social Media Crisis: Before it Happens

Tuesday, September 20th, 2016

content marketing, content management, newsjacking, social media, digital marketing, SEO, online marketingAt Strategic Communications, we are firm believers in the value of social media and online publicity for a business. It’s a huge part of what we do and what we advise our clients to do. But, while the impact of social media on a business is overwhelmingly positive, there are occasionally situations that have the potential to be extremely damaging to a company’s reputation and livelihood. We’re talking, of course, about the dreaded social media crisis. (more…)

Even Very Small Businesses Can Benefit From Strategic PR

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

Creative business corporate work concept: tablet computer PC, modern black glossy touchscreen smartphone with news internet web site, stack of newspapers, cup or mug of fresh coffee and metal ballpoint pen on wooden office table

Publicity is key for any business, and while most companies probably think first about paid advertising, there’s no reason you need to spend money to get the word out about your product and service offerings. Savvy marketers are always looking for ways to get free publicity through third parties, such as news outlets or celebrities. For example, having a popular sports figure wear your company’s clothing or shoes can make your brand seem trendy and relevant. An industry publication mentioning an award or positive survey your product or service received can add credibility and a sense of value. A news story about a grand opening of a new branch of your business increases consumer awareness.

And it’s not just the fact that the publicity is free that makes third-party promotion so desirable. (more…)

In Search of Viral Content: Is It Worth the Effort?

Tuesday, April 5th, 2016

Online marketing is a crowded arena. Just check out Internet Live Stats to get an idea of the massive amounts of blog posts, websites, tweets, etc. It’s hard to stand out in the crowd, but every once in a while, some gem emerges that catches the attention of the masses and forms part of the collective consciousness. In other words, something goes viral. But how does that happen? (more…)