Millennials have changed the face of the world in so many ways: culture, technology and business to name just a few. As this group grows to represent an ever-larger share of the consumer market, one characteristic of this cohort, in particular, can be extremely vexing for marketing professionals: they—even more than previous generations—dislike and distrust marketing and advertising. So what can you do about that? (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘millennials’
How to Market to People Who Hate Marketing
Thursday, November 2nd, 2017The One Thing You Need to Do to Build Your Brand: Walk the Talk!
Thursday, February 25th, 2016PricewaterhouseCoopers U.S. chairman Robert Moritz has discussed the issue of engaging younger employees in an article for Harvard Business Review titled “The U.S. Chairman of PwC on Keeping Millennials Engaged.” While the article contains a number of intriguing insights, one point that stood out from a marketing perspective was a comment Moritz made in relation to how an organization and its leaders are perceived to reflect the stated values of that company. (more…)
How Will We Use Email in 2015
Wednesday, December 31st, 2014
As smartphones have become increasingly common and many—particularly the millennial generation—have turned to texting as their go-to method of communication, some have questioned the future of email as a means of communication in both personal and professional settings.
I was asked recently by a reporter what I felt the future of email is and, particularly, how we are likely to use email in 2015. Will email go away? Will it remain relevant? These are very much the same questions that have been asked of other forms of communication: Will email replace “snail mail”? Will online chat replace phone calls? “Yes” and “yes” in some cases.
Generally, though, rather than reflecting a potential replacement, these new methodologies create new options and opportunities. (more…)