Archive for the ‘Social Media’ Category

The Benefits of Building an Online Community

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Engaging with customers has always been important, but it has arguably never been easier than it is today in an era where we have a myriad of online communication channels and means to engage with our audiences. Whether they’re across town, or on the other side of the globe, electronic media allows for forum for marketers to listen to, learn form and leverage their online communities in a variety of ways. (more…)

Facebook for Local Businesses

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

Small businesses, I think, have an edge when it comes to social media engagement, and Facebook is a very good example of this. Effective social media requires a relationship between the business/business owner and their followers. This is much easier for small businesses to attain than it is for large businesses, particularly because small businesses tend to be closer to their customers offline–the online environment simply becomes another forum for engagement.

Despite the fact that social media channels like Facebook can provide a global audience, small businesses don’t need to extend their reach globally–in fact, they can (and should) focus on their local markets.

In attempting to do this, we believe there are some important keys to effective engagement: (more…)

Tweeting Locally

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

One of the many things I enjoy about marketing is attempting to generate the most results with the least among of time, money and effort. I want to get more for less. From an advertising standpoint, that means, for instance, that just because the Super Bowl pulls in a large audience each year, it may not make sense to put your message in front of that audience unless a significant percentage of it might represent potential customers for your products or services.

Social media is a lot like that. Just because social media can deliver an international audience doesn’t mean that it makes sense for you to be out there communicating with an international audience. In fact, for many businesses, (more…)

Social Media Best Practices for SOHOs: You Don’t Have to be Big to be Successful Online!

Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

One of the benefits—and potential downfalls—of the online environment is that it is a great equalizer. The smallest company, including solo operations, can present a “big company” feel, effectively competing against the big players in their industries. This can also present a downside, of course, for those seeking goods and services from online providers; all that glitters is not, necessarily, gold, so caveat emptor certainly applies.

Still, for small companies, and even individual practitioners in service industries like consulting, law, accounting, engineering, etc., it can be relatively easy to establish a strong presence online.

We’ve done that for our own marketing needs, and we work with a variety of other small businesses and independent consultants to help them establish a “big brand” online. In doing this, we have found some very important best practices that really must be adopted to generate results: (more…)

Are You Making Your Web Site the Hub of Your Content Marketing Activities?

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

I’ve said it often and will continue to say it to groups I have the opportunity to engage with around marketing communications issues: “If you don’t have a web site you virtually (pun intended) don’t exist.” Think about it. (more…)

Why You May Want to Avoid the Visual When Communicating With a B2B Audience

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Like virtually every industry, marketing has been transformed dramatically by advances in technology, particularly the increasing ease with which high quality digital media can be produced and distributed relatively cheaply online. Professional audio and video can be incorporated into a website or distributed through email marketing with ease, and this has led to an increase in the use of such media when marketing for a variety of products and services.

Marketers have taken advantage of new technology and digital content techniques by increasing their use of such material to promote their products and services. According to a dual survey of content marketers and the B2B audiences they serve, (more…)

The Masses Don’t Matter: Why I’m Looking for Fewer Followers, Fans, Likes and Retweets

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

Over the years I have learned something about myself: I like results. In fact, I’m pretty much addicted to generating results to various efforts. Many years ago this might have been responses to “query letters” I would send out to editors to attempt to interest them in a freelance article contribution. Then it was writing copy and renting mailing lists to generate results through direct mail. Today it could be anything from tweaking the content of a web page to generate more visitors, writing a social media post that “goes viral” and generates a lot of back links or, most recently, attempting to generate traction with LinkedIn long-form posts. (more…)

Social Media Analytics: Going Beyond the Numbers

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014
There’s a big difference between data and information, although the distinction can be subtle. Over the past few years I’ve been very interested in helping organizations determine whether their communication efforts are achieving desired results and, especially, their social media efforts. Social media is such a “big deal” these days that it’s not unlikely for organizations and individuals to want to “jump on the bandwagon” or continue to participate in social media simply because “everyone else is doing it.” Unfortunately, that’s not always a good reason to invest time and resources.

The difference between data and information can be helpful here. (more…)

7 Digital Advertising Trends You Need to Know Now!

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014

Digital has taken the world by storm, upending the world of traditional advertising and requiring 21st marketers to become savvy about a broad range of digital advertising options that can include anything from SEO, to social media, to mobile and more.

There’s much to understand, much to keep track of and much to stay on top of. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that digital advertising, unlike traditional advertising, is far more trackable, allowing marketers to determine what is working for them and driving the results they desire and what may not be as effective. (more…)

A Wealth of Social Media & Marketing Tips from Experts and Practitioners

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

Just returned from the 6th Annual Social Media & Marketing Conference sponsored by the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce and my head is spinning. It seems that no matter how much we may all think we know a lot about social media and/or marketing, there is always so much more to learn. I learned a lot today from both the presenters and other attendees. (more…)