Posts Tagged ‘the impact of word-of-mouth’

Why You Should Seek Employee Feedback Before Customer Feedback

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

Hiring marketing or content marketing talent?It’s quite common for companies and their marketers to seek feedback from customers about their products and services. But there’s another group whose feedback should also be considered. In fact, it should be considered before seeking customer feedback.


Influencers: Organic or Paid? Making the Right Choice Matters

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

Testimonials and endorsements have been a mainstay in marketing for many years. In the online environment, these concepts have been combined, embraced, and refined to drive a hot trend: influencer marketing. It works. If you think about your own purchase behaviors, you can probably trace many of those purchases—whether for some electronic device, a hairstyle, a meal, or a car—to a recommendation or referral that came from a friend or relative or that was prompted through some online endorsement from an individual you admire. How effective are these kind of endorsements? Both Nielsen and McKinsey have studied the issue.
