Posts Tagged ‘employee feedback’

Battling Blind Spots to Boost Management and Marketing Effectiveness

Thursday, September 30th, 2021

Unconscious bias results in bias that can make us miss out on different perspectives to make better marketing decisions.

Blindspots are something we all have based on our past experiences, interactions with others, and the opinions and values we’ve formed over time. I remember learning early in my career about the Johari Window in a leadership seminar I attended. It’s a model designed to help us understand and improve communications through the recognition that we all are impacted by the things we don’t know. Human nature is such that each of us has biases and blind spots that we’re generally not aware of.


Why You Should Seek Employee Feedback Before Customer Feedback

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

Hiring marketing or content marketing talent?It’s quite common for companies and their marketers to seek feedback from customers about their products and services. But there’s another group whose feedback should also be considered. In fact, it should be considered before seeking customer feedback.
