Archive for November, 2013

The Yin and Yang of Finding–or Being–an Online Expert. Beyond Smoke and Mirrors.

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

In the “old days” finding experts was largely limited to identifying them through academic circles or highly regarded trade and professional publications. Experts were, in essence, “vetted” and those seeking their input could rely upon their veracity, authority and credentials. But, things have changed. Today, quite literally, anyone can be positioned as an “expert”–whether they really are or not. This has become possible because of the World Wide Web and a plethora of online communication channels, including web sites, social media, blogs, etc. This is both a good and a bad thing. Interestingly, it is both good and bad for experts and non-experts. Here’s why:


PR Pro Thinks Blog Posts are the New Press Release — But, What do Journalists Think?

Thursday, November 21st, 2013

I read an interesting blog post today from Arik Hanson’s blog “Communications Conversations” titled News releases or blog posts: What is the future of media relations? In it, he suggests that companies and individuals hoping to gain attention through the media should give up on the outmoded use of traditional news releases in favor of blogs. Blogs, he says, offer many benefits including: (more…)

Word of Mouse—Consumer Sharing on Steroids!

Thursday, November 21st, 2013

It used to be that consumers shared opinions about products and services at the water cooler or over the backyard fence. While their word-of-mouth was (and is) valuable, the reach they could achieve in the “old days” was minimal. Today that’s not the case. Although there is still plenty of old-fashioned word-of-mouth taking place in break rooms and backyards around the country, the power of technology has amped up the ability to spread messages—for good and ill! Marketers need to be taking steps to address both sides of this issue. (more…)

Are You Engaged in Marketing Malpractice?

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

I responded to a reporter’s query this week related to best (or I should say worst!) practices in marketing. His question was related to “marketing tactics that don’t work.” I had two initial thoughts about that query:

  • I definitely believe that many of the marketing tactics being deployed today are ineffective—not worth the time or money spent on them and not generating relevant results
  • The reason this is true, though, is not because of the tactic–but because of the strategy, or lack thereof (more…)

Key Messages: Connecting With and Compelling Your Audience to Action

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

One of my favorite parts of the “creative process” isn’t what most people consider “creative” at all — it’s the process of spending time to research and understand my situation, my target audience and my competition. To most this seems like drudge-work. To me it’s like being the detective in a mystery novel. The more I can (more…)

How Does Your Web Site Stack Up?

Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

The yin/yang of the 21st century marketplace is that consumers can find, and form impressions of, you online without ever having to encounter you either face-to-face or voice-to-voice.

That can be a good thing if, through those encounters that you may never physically take part in, their impressions are positive. It can be a very bad thing if they’re not. And, sadly, you may never know the difference.

We were working with a client recently on a web site analysis. Through that process we: (more…)