Posts Tagged ‘marketing with content’

Social Media Tips to Drive Sales for Small Businesses

Thursday, October 7th, 2021
social media marketing, how to use linkedin, twitter, facebook and other channels to achieve marketing resultsSocial media has become a very cost-effective way to connect with, and influence, various audiences including customers and potential customers. In fact, over the years, we have come to rely less on more traditional forms of marketing communications (e.g., print or broadcast advertising, direct mail, etc.) and more on digital channels of communication, like social media.

Finding Multiple Uses for Your Content to Extend Its Longevity and Reach

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

Content is always changing shapes, morphing into something new. Long before there was the written word, people gathered to tell stories around campfires. Before there was a printing press, there were handwritten books. Then, of course, came ebooks. Now, our content comes to us through a dizzying array of devices and platforms. Smart creators are using the growing number of delivery options to continue to reshape content into new—and sometimes improved—forms.
