Archive for July, 2024

Crafting a Powerful USP: Lessons from Advertising Legend Rosser Reeves

Monday, July 29th, 2024

Rosser Reeves, an advertising guru, was active from the 1930s through the 1960s, with significant contributions in the 1950s and 1960s. His phrase “unique selling proposition” (or USP), is a concept that is still relevant today. A USP is exactly what it sounds like it isa unique selling proposition–something about you, or your product or service that is different from competing products and services in important ways that represent value for your potential customers. In addition to being unique, it’s important that your USP (more…)

Why Your B2B Content Team Needs to Be Good at Storytelling

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Using GenAI for content marketing - tips and best practicesPopular wisdom has it that people like to read stories and that storytelling is a very important skill for content marketers to have—even if they work in the B2B realm. But what if your content team is hesitant about storytelling? How can you convince them of its importance?

This is a question I responded to recently on LinkedIn.


Addressing Conflicting Feedback as a Content Marketer: The Ideal Review Process

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

Creating marketing communications materials can be challenging. After decades in the business (yeah, I’m “seasoned”… ), I’ve had multiple experiences with review processes—some great, some good, some not so good, and some absolutely horrendous and extremely frustrating.

Over the years I’ve come to identify a number of best practices that can help to both streamline the content review process and minimize frustrations along the way—for both content creators and subject matter experts.


X, Hoofbeat, Whatever: Does It Really Matter What You Call Your Brand?

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

Loyal fans are loyal fans. The more loyal they are the more they feel a sense of ownership over the brands they’re loyal to. Just ask Harley motorcycle owners. Because of their loyalty and sense of ownership, they can often be quite put off when brands make changes they don’t like. Like changes to the brand names they’ve become accustomed to.

Case in point: (more…)

How SEO (Still) Works in 2024: Understanding the Language of Your Audience

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

Understanding the language of your audience - how SEO still works in 2024

In my last blog I talked about what I’ve observed as a disconnect between how businesses often talk about their own products and services and how their prospects and customers talk about them. This disconnect can become a significant obstacle when it comes to SEO designed to get audiences to your website. If you’re not using the same words and phrases that your target audience uses when they’re looking for products and services like yours, they’re not likely to find you. (more…)

SEO Revisited: How SEO (Still) Works in 2024

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Content marketing is still something that a lot of companies, large and small, continue to invest in. The ultimate goal, of course, is sales. But, along the way to a sale, content marketers must first capture attention, drive traffic to a website (in most cases), and deliver on the promise that their copy promo or social media post suggested.

SEO, or search engine optimization, has been a big part of this process. And, while I certainly consider SEO when crafting content for myself or my clients, I’m not a slave to it. Here’s why.

