Posts Tagged ‘aligning your brand’

X, Hoofbeat, Whatever: Does It Really Matter What You Call Your Brand?

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

Loyal fans are loyal fans. The more loyal they are the more they feel a sense of ownership over the brands they’re loyal to. Just ask Harley motorcycle owners. Because of their loyalty and sense of ownership, they can often be quite put off when brands make changes they don’t like. Like changes to the brand names they’ve become accustomed to.

Case in point: (more…)

Building Your Brand Story, One Piece at a Time

Thursday, December 28th, 2017

Brands are made up of multiple components – your product or service; your logos, advertising campaigns, public relations and sponsorships; the behaviors of your employees and your customers’ interactions with them; the personalities of the top executives and/or owners, etc. As we’ve said many times before, it’s ultimately the market that truly defines your brand, and they do so by absorbing all of the elements we just mentioned into an overall image in their mind of who your company is and what it stands for. (more…)

In Marketing—Of Any Kind—It Pays to Be Consistent!

Saturday, June 18th, 2016

BrandWhat do your Facebook page, your primary business website, your Twitter feed and your direct mailing materials have in common? Hopefully it’s a lot of things, and not just the fact that they are part of your content marketing and branding strategies. Although these are all different media, it’s important to make sure that your branding standards are both consistent across all social channels, and in alignment with your corporate website and overall branding guidelines. (more…)