Posts Tagged ‘personal branding’

Graduates: Have You Perfected Your Elevator Pitch?

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

It’s graduation time, and many are thinking about landing their first job. Even those entrenched in a career may be prompted by graduation season to think about their career paths and whether it’s time to consider a job switch.

We responded recently to a reporter’s query about creating “elevator pitches.” It’s an important concept for graduates, for those 30 years into their careers, and for any company or organization that has a key message to convey to a target audience. (more…)

How Well Are You Managing Your Personal Brand?

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014
Most of us are familiar with the concept of branding from a marketing perspective. Brands like Nike, Coca-Cola, IBM and Target are well known. Also well known is the time, effort, expense and attention that goes into managing brands. But brand management isn’t just for organizations. Individuals have brands too, and, just as with major companies, those brands need to be carefully managed to achieve desired results.


Can (Fill In The Blank) Companies Develop a Brand?

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

Branding is one of those concepts that is both extremely simple and exceedingly complex at the same time. One of the most common questions we hear related to branding is: “Can a company like ours develop a brand?” The answer: “Absolutely! But…” Here’s the thing… (more…)

Developing Your Personal Brand – Yes, You Have One!

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

As someone who grew up in a family-owned business and then worked in the field of PR/corporate communications for a number of years I’ve long been well aware of how my actions, or inaction, impact not only my reputation, but the reputation of the organizations I serve. From the day long ago when my father chastised me for not returning a greeting from a classmate we ran into at a local department store to early training as a PR/media relations rep I’ve known that what I did — on or off the job — made an impression. While that knowledge, especially as a child, was sometimes burdensome, in hindsight it has served me well.

Some other early lessons: (more…)