Posts Tagged ‘marketing budget’

Digital Marketing and the Small Business: A Perfect Match

Thursday, November 10th, 2022

Most small businesses don’t have the big budgets that big brands have. Yet they need to make an impact through their marketing and communication efforts. That, obviously, can be a challenge.

Digital marketing, though, represents significant opportunity for small businesses.


“More” is Not a Good Marketing Goal. Why Specificity Matters.

Tuesday, August 16th, 2022

Many of you have probably been at goal-setting seminars or workshops where the leader will pose a question like: “Would you like to make more money?,” and, of course, everybody nods or raises their hand. Then the leader will approach a workshop participant and  (more…)

Stop the Insanity! Are You Continuing to Make These Same Mistakes Over and Over and Over and…?

Thursday, June 30th, 2022

You’ve no doubt heard the definition of insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”

It’s a common malady in the business world, and particularly evident these days during tough times. Companies know that the results they’re getting aren’t what they’d like to see and are not likely sustainable, yet they don’t quite know what to do about it. So they keep doing what they’ve always done in tough times – they (more…)

No-Cost, Low-Cost Ways to Boost Your Brand

Tuesday, July 30th, 2019

We’ve previously discussed the challenges many companies face when trying to calculate an ROI on their marketing efforts. For small and medium-sized businesses, this can make it difficult to justify increasing spend on marketing efforts.

But, just because you feel like you can’t spend more money on marketing doesn’t mean you can’t invest in your brand. (more…)