Posts Tagged ‘getting publicity’

10 Simple, and Easy to Fix, Errors That May Be Keeping You From Getting Media Coverage

Tuesday, July 18th, 2023

When business leaders, thought leaders, and even PR pros are hoping to get media coverage for their, or their companies’ efforts, they often inadvertently make some mistakes that can hinder their efforts.

Here we take a look at 10 common, and easily fixable, mistakes. How many are you making?   (more…)

Why You Might NOT Want to Become a Thought Leader

Saturday, January 13th, 2018

Thought leadership is something we talk about a lot, and for good reason: it can be a great marketing vehicle—if done correctly.Because content marketing is so prevalent these days, creating and disseminating content across a wide range of channels (traditional and digital) is more cost-effective than ever before. And people are hungry for useful, relevant content.


Media Interview Tips: How to Get the Coverage You’re Hoping For!

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

After all of your hard work to interest an appropriate media channel (one that reaches your desired target audience) in a story about you or your business pays off, the work is just beginning! It may be hard to believe, but getting the interview is often the easy part — doing a good job during your interactions with the reporter is the really tough part. It’s what determines whether or not your name and information will ever see the light of day.

When we conduct media training, here are the general tips we share: (more…)