Posts Tagged ‘social media advertising’

Building Productivity Into Your Social Media Time

Wednesday, May 29th, 2024

When I talk to people about their greatest challenges with social media, what I most frequently hear is “fnding time to stay engaged.”

I can definitely relate.

Currently I’m attempting to maintain two Twitter accounts (business), two LinkedIn accounts (business) and one Facebook account (personal) for myself, along with a growing number of accounts for clients. And, I need to (more…)

How to Use Social Media to Grow and Market Your Business

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

The wide proliferation of social media sites–from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram–provide a myriad of opportunities for businesses of any size to connect with their target audiences. That can be good news and not-so-good news for marketers. Why? Because while the out-of-pocket costs for using most of these tools is low to none, the time investment can be significant. Add to that (more…)