Posts Tagged ‘integrated marketing’

Building Your Brand: Both Easier and Harder Than You May Think

Thursday, June 18th, 2015

by Linda Pophal


The most important element in brand building is that small business owners take the time to determine what they want their brand (or identity or reputation) to be and then take steps to ensure that all elements of the marketing mix (product, price, place and promotion) are aligned consistently to convey that desired brand image. Branding is not about a logo or a tagline—although those are important communication elements that help remind consumers about the company and its products. Brand, though, really is driven by (more…)

Creating an “Integrated Marketing Plan”

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

I was asked recently to provide some information for an article on how to create an “integrated marketing plan.” That phrase has become quite popular and is, I would agree, more precise terminology to convey what a marketing plan actually does. In truth, I would think that every marketing plan would, by definition, be (more…)