Posts Tagged ‘GenAI for marketing’

Why AI-Generated Content is Likely to Miss Emerging Trends

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

I was writing a trends piece for a client recently and, as I often do, I posted a call for input on sites like SOS (formerly HERO), Connectively, Qwoted, and Help a B2B Writer. I received close to 200 responses! To help me sort through the input and get a sense for what the top trends were based on this expert input, I did a simple tally.

And I started to notice something interesting. (more…)

Fact Checking AI: A Must Do to Maintain Your Brand Value

Thursday, April 25th, 2024

A Conference Board survey, in collaboration with Ragan Communications, found that while almost 90% of marketing and communication professionals have used generative AI (GenAI) tools, their feelings about the usefulness of these tools are mixed—only about four out of ten expect GenAI to improve work quality and creativity—three in ten expect it to deteriorate outputs.

So I decided to do some further research and experimenting on my own. (more…)

20+ Ideas for Incorporating GenAI Into Your Content Marketing Processes

Thursday, February 29th, 2024

Women considering yes, no, maybe options

GenAI is neither 100% hero or 100% foe; it can be both, or neither. If you’re creating content and you’re not using GenAI in your work, you really should be. While it’s certainly a disruptive force and is both feared and reviled by some in the field, it does have some very useful applications.

Here’s a list of 20 to get you thinking before the weekend and the end of the month. (more…)