Posts Tagged ‘being innovative’

Finding the Right Balance Between Standard Processes and Variation

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

Women considering yes, no, maybe optionsI was playing Solitaire on a flight recently and was struck by how much I like developing and following standardized processes, yet how likely I am to vary from a process when I think it’s appropriate.

The trouble is (more…)

The Benefits of Being a “Fast Follower”

Thursday, May 31st, 2018

by Justin Grensing, Esq., MBA

The business world has a strong mythology around, and reverence for, the innovator – brilliant geniuses who upend the status quo and usher in a wave of change, making fortunes along the way. We often think that the first company to go down an innovative path is in an enviable position. But, in many cases, it is not the first mover who prospers, but the fast follower. (more…)