Native ads—ads that reside seamlessly within content, giving the appearance of editorial material—have become increasingly prevalent as consumer adoption of mobile technology has skyrocketed. These ads can take many forms, and marketers are always in search of the next new thing that will enable them to cut through the clutter to deliver an experience that not only will be different, but also will resonate with their audiences and, ultimately, drive sales. At least that’s the goal. (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘digital’
Blending Old and New Media for Advertising Success
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016No, Paper Isn’t Dead and Isn’t Likely to be for a long, long, long time…
Tuesday, December 10th, 2013The demise of paper has been predicted for a century, but the end is nowhere in sight according to a recent article in “The Week.”
I heartily agree with this sentiment and I’ve seen interesting examples of just why this is likely to be the case in classes I teach at a local university. While most people today claim that “the millennials prefer electronic communication,” that’s not necessarily true–just ask the millennials! (more…)