Posts Tagged ‘books’

No, Paper Isn’t Dead and Isn’t Likely to be for a long, long, long time…

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

The demise of paper has been predicted for a century, but the end is nowhere in sight according to a recent article in “The Week.”

I heartily agree with this sentiment and I’ve seen interesting examples of just why this is likely to be the case in classes I teach at a local university. While most people today claim that “the millennials prefer electronic communication,” that’s not necessarily true–just ask the millennials! (more…)

Will Ebooks Replace Traditional? I Don’t Think So.

Friday, June 8th, 2012

My husband bought me a Kindle when they were originally released several years ago now. As an avid reader and book lover it wasn’t a product I would have thought that I would want, use or like–but I was wrong. I’ve found the Kindle to have a multitude of benefits, most notably as a tool when traveling. My Kindle (and now my Android which has a Kindle app) cuts down significantly on luggage weight! I also like being able to get access to information immediately. When I hear of a book I’m interested in, I can simply buy and download it. No need to find, travel to or spend time at a bookstore.

On the other hand, I’ve also found over time that (more…)