Archive for the ‘Strategic Planning’ Category

What Results Are You Looking For? Do You Know Your Maximum Capacity?

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

I’ve recently encountered situations with clients in two very diverse industries, with two very different marketing challenges, that were both embarking on major marketing initiatives in the absence of some very important information. They hadn’t clearly identified the specific results they were looking for.

They thought they knew. In fact, when I asked them they both provided me with a lengthy explanation of what they were hoping to achieve. The trouble is that (more…)

Business Plan Best Practices

Thursday, August 4th, 2011

Whether starting a new business, expanding an existing business, or simply introducing a new product or service, it’s a good idea to start with a plan – a business plan. To some, developing a business plan may seem like an extremely time-consuming and unnecessary task. It doesn’t have to be. Business plans can range from the simple to the complex–but should include the same core elements. Here are “7 Critical Business Plan Elements”: (more…)

Is PR the Answer? Remaining Relevant in Changing Markets

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

In an online discussion I was recently involved in, prompted by my blog on Borders’ recent announcement, I was asked whether I thought PR could be the answer for businesses that are feeling the pressure from increasing competition and ever-narrowing margins. My short answer: “Yes, I think that PR, in a broad sense, can definitely help businesses in our current environment.” What businesses (more…)

Raising Awareness for Your Products or Services

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

I had a media inquiry recently from a reporter asking how businesses can best reach out to consumers to raise awareness of their products and services. It’s a great question and one that every new business/service provider grapples with. It is also the first step in the consumer buying process once a need has been realized. So, if you’re a business owner with something new to offer what steps should you take to get the word out to raise awareness of your product/service? (more…)

Could Facebook Business Pages Make Sense for You? (This is a trick question!)

Saturday, May 7th, 2011

I recently responded to a reporter’s request for perspectives on Facebook’s new feature that allows people to have business pages as well as personal pages and whether it will make a difference in the way small businesses use Facebook to market to customers and prospects.

These types of questions are always interesting to me because they seem to prompt a somewhat (more…)

Strategic Planning: It’s All in the Implementation!

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

As I work with clients and speak with groups about strategic planning, I find that the #1 “problem” that business people have with planning is actually implementing the plan! It’s a bit like the “glass ceiling” I think. Something happens at the point that the plan is complete. Well, actually, all too often nothing happens! Why is that? A number of reasons I think. (more…)

10 Tips for Implementing Your Strategic Plan!

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

As I work with people on strategic planning activities (once we get over the initial resistance to strategic planning in general!), one of the biggest barriers I find to planning is concern about implementation. Too often implementation just doesn’t happen and organizations find themselves in an endless loop of planning without achieving measurable results.

Part of the problem, I think, is that (more…)

When They Talk *Too* Much – Facilitating Planning Sessions

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

A business colleague recently asked for some advice on how to handle people in meetings – in this case, strategic planning sessions – that dominate the conversation. It’s a common problem and, I’d venture to guess, that any of you reading this have been involved in a situation where this has occurred.

Here are some of the suggestions I shared: (more…)

Difficult Choices Require Strategic Approach

Saturday, March 7th, 2009

Supporting the local community can be expensive. Even large organizations have to be careful about how and where they lend their time – and money. Is there value – beyond personal satisfaction – in supporting local events and activities? Which ones? How can you say “no” graciously to the many requests that come your way? (more…)