Posts Tagged ‘generative AI’

Early Applications for Using ChatGPT as a Content Creation Aid

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

ChatGPT—a popular generative AI tool—is top-of-mind for everyone involved in marketing and content creation these days. And for good reason. Its potential is astonishing. With a short prompt and the tap of the keyboard it spews out content related to virtually anything you present it with in literally seconds.

It’s truly amazing.

Multiple Use Cases

We’ve only experimented with ChatGPT a little bit at this point, but based on this early experience we’ve found some of the most useful applications in our work to be: (more…)

AI for Content Creation

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

A Facebook headline reads, “How to Generate Blog Posts in 1 Minute Using AI.” It’s a sponsored post from Jasper (more about this later), and while the concept is certainly intriguing and tempting—especially when facing a mountain of blog posts to create for various clients—there’s a certain amount of skepticism that goes along with it. Is the hype too good to be true? (more…)