Posts Tagged ‘ROI’

Yes You Can: Measure the Effectiveness of Your MARCOM Efforts!

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

Recently we discussed the challenges of determining the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. We cited a McKinsey & Company report showing that many companies don’t make any effort whatsoever to measure the success of their marketing efforts, and we discussed that there is a variety of variables that can make objective comparisons difficult.

However, rest assured that you can, in fact, measure the results of your marketing investment. As Content Marketing Institute discusses, there are a variety of key performance indicators that you can use in your analysis. The article gives some KPIs and some specific examples of each: (more…)

Yes, the C-suite is concerned about ROI — communicators should be too!

Thursday, April 17th, 2014

I’ve been speaking and writing a lot about how communicators can do a better job of connecting with C-suite leaders to get traction for their ideas and proposals. Most recently, I presented a webinar for Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media and Ragan Communications on How to Talk Social Media to Your Hospital C-Suite. I also wrote a series of articles on the topic for IABC’s Communication World earlier this year. And I have a presentation coming up in May for Health Leaders Media.

Much of my work and research has been around issues related to social media but, in truth,

The C-Suite is Asking the “Wrong” Questions – Really???

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

Communication folks – ever feel like you’re bumping your head against the wall trying to get “them” to “get it”? Maybe it’s time to take a step back, do a brutally honest self-assessment and consider that maybe, just maybe, you aren’t getting it! (more…)

Facebook Ads – Does GM Know Something Others Don’t?

Monday, May 21st, 2012

As Facebook prepared to launch a much-anticipated public offering, GM announced that it was discontinuing its use of Facebook ads. If you haven’t heard about this already, you haven’t been paying attention! Now, I’m guessing GM is (more…)

Marketing Budget Best Practices

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

I’ve spent most of my career working for large organizations so developing and managing budgets is second nature to me. In fact, I *like* budgets — they provide both a planning guideline and a framework against which decisions can be made. In my case, those decisions have generally been related to marketing expenditures. Given a certain organization goal, and considering past activities and their costs, how much do I think I will need during the subsequent year to meet or exceed those goals. I like looking at and considering data this way and I like having a benchmark against which I can measure effectiveness of my marketing expenditures.

But, to my surprise (more…)