Posts Tagged ‘hiring’

Building Your Digital Marketing Team

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

MentorDigital marketing is a key aspect of any organization’s marketing mix. As digital marketing grows to represent a greater proportion of your marketing mix, at some point you’ll need to start thinking about splitting up the digital marketing responsibilities among multiple employees. Below we look at some tips and strategies for putting together an effective digital marketing team for your organization. (more…)

Hiring Missteps and How to Avoid Them

Thursday, January 31st, 2013

Have you ever made a bad hire? Me too. And while painful–for all involved–as with anything, we can learn important lessons from the missteps we make. We can also learn from the missteps of others. Over the years I’ve learned both through the research I’ve done in writing hundreds of business articles and a number of books on HR-related topics, including recruitment and hiring and, of course, from my own experiences. A reporter recently asked me for some insights about what are the biggest “hiring missteps” I’ve observed. Here’s what I shared: (more…)