Posts Tagged ‘online resources’

Go-To Sources for Great Information on Communication-Related Issues

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

A former student recently emailed me to ask about suggestions for sources of information to help her stay up-to-date on communication-related issues. Her question made me think about the sources that I have come to rely on for current, accurate information about a wide range of communication-related issues from the traditional to the new media.

I thought others might be interested as well. So, here’s my short list of go-so sources:

All have web sites, social  media feeds and RSS/email updates. Some have a combination of free and premium (paid) services.  In addition to these tools, I also find a variety of LinkedIn Groups to be a good way to stay up-to-date on the issues that impact me, and my clients.
What about you? What tools have you found to be most useful in staying current about communication and marketing-related issues?