Posts Tagged ‘Complete Idiot’s Guide to Strategic Planning’

10 Tips for Implementing Your Strategic Plan

Wednesday, August 7th, 2024

Chess player achieving success. Surreal and conceptual scene of a tiny person standing on the top of chessboard among huge chess pieces. Overcoming obstacles, victory and business leadership metaphorAs I work with people on strategic planning activities—once we get over the initial resistance to strategic planning—one of the biggest barriers I find is concern about implementation. Too often implementation just doesn’t happen and organizations find themselves in an endless loop of planning without achieving measurable results.

Part of the problem, I believe, is that (more…)

Why Your Strategy May Not Be Working: It May Be Just a Plan

Thursday, July 24th, 2014

I’m a strong proponent of the value of strategic planning but I’m also glad to acknowledge that the vast majority of strategic plans rarely drive real action or measurable results. The reasons why are numerous, but a recent article I read in Harvard Business Review made a great point about strategy.

In The Big Lie of Strategic Planning, Roger L. Martin, makes the point that, inevitably, whenever the word “strategy” is used, it’s often in conjunction with the word “plan” — those two words then become, somehow, inevitably–and inaccurately–intertwined.  (more…)