Direct Mail Part II: Tips and Tricks for Making Direct Mail Work for You

In a recent blog post we discussed the great potential inherent in the oft-overlooked marketing strategy of direct mail. We discussed how direct mail has a more personal feeling and how it can grab the recipient’s attention more effectively than an email, which may be ignored or filtered into junk mail or spam folders. Hopefully we converted some skeptics.

Now we’d like to take a deeper dive to look at specific tips and tricks for making direct mailing campaigns work for your organization, something covered in greater depth in our book “Direct Mail in the Digital Age.” 

Make it Easy to Respond

The less effort your audience has to put into responding to your mailings, the more likely they will be to respond. Be sure to include contact information, even if you have a form and an email link. Offer options!

Use Lists to Target and Understand Specific Segments

Have a very clear understanding of your target audience, and carefully consider ways that you might reach them through the mail. For instance, if you’re attempting to connect with an audience of young mothers, what sorts of activities might they take part in that would put them on a list that you could mail to? This might be a subscription to a certain magazine, purchase of a certain type of product, etc. Beyond the list itself, understanding your audience well will also help you create key messages that connect and compel them to some desired action through clear benefits that answer the question: “What’s in it for me?”

Don’t Be Afraid to Release Your Inner Peacock

While most people don’t receive nearly as much snail mail as email, an unassuming, generic-looking mailing could still get overlooked in a stack of identical envelopes. Use color and graphics to grab the eyes of your audience, and consider using bulky or uniquely-textured envelopes for an attention-grabbing tactile sensation. Be sure, though, to keep it professional and avoid being too flashy or gaudy.

Personalize your Mailings

Another advantage of direct mail over email is the ability to personalize your messaging. Consider adding pictures of yourself and your team to your mailings. Something as simple as including a business card with your contact information can help lay the groundwork a long-term business partnership.

Target Organizational “Hubs”

While identifying key individuals for your mailings is certainly important, you can often get more bang for your buck by seeking out organizations that might have a large reach or great influence with your target market. Groups like the local Chamber of Commerce, widely-used vendors or B2B contacts can help increase the distribution and legitimacy of your message.


While the concept of direct mail may seem old-fashioned or cumbersome in the digital age, you could be surprised by the impact of adding this arrow to your marketing quiver. By following the tips above, you can start to craft a successful and targeted approach to communicating with your market and growing your business.


Recommended Reading:

Direct Mail in the Digital Age

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