Engaging Through Mobile Channels

Pew Research recently released their State of the News Media 2015 report, which includes some interesting information on the impact of mobile.  Consumers are increasingly consuming content via their mobile devices—even long-form content. Google’s ongoing algorithm changes and a growing trend toward the use of mobile have advertisers and marketers wondering whether their content will continue to resonate in smaller mobile formats.

The jury is still out, as they say, but the question is a valid—and evergreen—one these days. As new technology options emerge that allow different ways of connecting, and communicating, with various audiences, marketers must stay on top of what works, and what doesn’t, to ensure that their messages are getting through.

There can, unfortunately, be a tendency to simply jump on the bandwagon with any new option that emerges and that can be mistake. The key, as always, is delivering content that is relevant and useful to your audience.

My tip (as with any communication channel) would be for marketers to have a very thorough understanding of their target market and the place/state of mind they will likely be in when you are attempting to engage them with your mobile content:

  • Will they be looking for brief bits of information?
  • Will they be in a frame of mind where they’re able to consumer longer pieces of information?
  • What is the value for them in terms of what you have to offer?
  • Is your content high-quality, unique and compelling?
  • Who are you competing with in the mobile space (e.g. what else are they likely looking at and how can you stand out)? ‘

These seem like simple concepts, but it is amazing how many marketers fail to take the time to really understand their audiences and where , and when, these audiences will be consuming content.

It’s also important for marketers to recognize that, although mobile is coming on strong, that doesn’t mean that other channels are becoming irrelevant. In the 21st century, as never before, marketers must leverage a mix of communication tactics to ensure that their messages get across to their audiences.

Even as seemingly archaic tools as the yellow pages still have relevance for some. For others, online-only communication is proving to be a sufficient means of connecting and compelling desired action. With so many options available marketers are both benefited and challenged by the ability to select from a wide range of options that, in combination, can drive action. What works for you and your audience may or may not work for another marketer. These days it pays to be precise, and targeted!

How are you communicating with your target audiences?


Recommended Reading:

The Everything Guide to Customer Engagement 



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