It’s important for any business to know whether or not their customers are satisfied with the service the company is providing – the same applies for products, but we’ll focus on services here. Many companies ask customers for feedback to gauge their experience, and this can take many forms, including surveys and post-purchase emails among others. This feedback could be asking for a simple thumbs up, thumbs down or sliding scale review of the overall service, or it could ask more specific questions, focusing on different aspects of the service: timeliness, quality, likelihood to repeat business, likelihood to recommend to others, etc.
Simply asking customers about their experience can improve their perception of your service.
The AMA Makes the Ask
For example, the American Marketing Association discusses a retail study with a total sample of over 27,000 customers: “the results revealed that completing a customer feedback survey (in comparison to those who chose not to respond) positively impacted sales from customers (both how often and how much was spent) over the course of the next year after the survey was completed.” The AMA goes on to say that when the feedback survey explicitly asked for positive feedback, the companies requesting that feedback saw an increase in sales. “More specifically, customers who were asked for positive feedback up front spent an average of $143.16 in the next year in comparison to an average of $132.25 for customers who completed the survey without the positive feedback question.”
Tell to Sell
But you can take this even further and tell customers about the great service you’ve been providing them. We’re not saying you should be so blunt as to say, “we’ve been giving you great service!” But you can provide customers with objective metrics to show all the work you’ve been putting in for them and the results of that effort.
For example, if you have a help desk for resolving customer issues with or questions about your service, provide them with a monthly or annual report showing how many inquiries you’ve received from them and how quickly the issues were resolved. Or if you are providing marketing services, use analytics to provide a regular report about how much sales, click-throughs, etc. have improved in the past month.
Keep Service Front and Center
Often, great service can be overlooked, simply because things are running so smoothly. “Out of sight, out of mind” is great for customers, but it can make the service provider into a bit of an unsung hero. It doesn’t hurt to toot your own horn once in a while and remind your customers of the value you are providing.
About Us
Strategic Communications, LLC, works with B2B clients to help them achieve their goals through effective content marketing and management with both internal and external audiences. We work with clients to plan, create and publish high-quality, unique content. Whether on- or offline, or both, we’ll help you achieve desired results.
(Strategic Communications is certified as a Woman-Owned Business Enterprise through the Wisconsin Department of Administration.)
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Tags: communication strategy, Customer Communication, customer communication management, customer relations, customer satisfaction, Customer Service