Going Crazy With GenAI: What Marketing Consultants Could Learn From Willy Nelson and Jelly Roll

One of the big downfalls of GenAI is that it currently only draws from content it is trained on that already exists. So, the information it generates is “known.” GenAI can’t (yet) create new material; it can only consolidate and spew back what’s already been created by others. In other words, “it” cannot be innovative.

But you can!

One area of potential I’ve been experimenting with is asking it to consider disparate sources of information or to combine information from dissimilar sources.

So, for example, “How could energy experts glean innovative insights from businesses in the hospitality industry?,” or “How could marketing consultants leverage best practice insights from Willy Nelson and Jelly Roll?”

This tends to be a good distraction on days when I’m burned out from too many meetings, too many projects, and too much writing. I tend to have one or two GenAI tools and an AI-detection tool open on my desktop all the time these days, so it’s easy to play around with these tools when I’m feeling I’m in a slump.

And I’ve found that, more than just a silly distraction, these crazy mashups can yield some unique, thought-provoking results, driving new ideas. Let’s look at the Willy Nelson/Jelly Roll example, for instance. (Note: the following Answer was entirely generated via Perplexity).


How could marketing consultants leverage best practice insights from Willy Nelson and Jelly Roll?


Based on the information provided in the search results and my knowledge of Willie Nelson and Jelly Roll’s careers, here are some key insights marketing consultants could leverage from these artists:

  1. Authenticity and personal branding: Both Willie Nelson and Jelly Roll have distinctive personal brands that resonate with their audiences. Marketing consultants should emphasize developing an authentic brand identity that aligns with the client’s values and personality.
  2. Cross-genre appeal: While rooted in country music, both artists have successfully incorporated elements from other genres. Consultants could advise clients on strategically blending different styles or approaches to broaden their appeal.
  3. Storytelling and relatability: These artists connect with fans through authentic storytelling in their music. Consultants could focus on helping clients craft compelling narratives that resonate with their target audience.
  4. Collaboration and networking: Both artists are known for collaborating with others in the industry. Consultants should encourage strategic partnerships and collaborations to expand reach and offer more comprehensive services.
  5. Adaptability: Willie Nelson and Jelly Roll have shown the ability to evolve with changing industry trends. Consultants should emphasize the importance of staying agile and adapting to new technologies and consumer preferences.
  6. Multi-platform presence: Leveraging various channels like social media, streaming platforms, and live performances to connect with audiences. Consultants could advise on creating a cohesive multi-channel strategy.
  7. Community engagement: Both artists are known for their charitable work and connection to their communities. Consultants could recommend ways for clients to engage with and give back to their local communities.
  8. Content diversification: Beyond music, these artists offer merchandise, behind-the-scenes content, and other experiences. Consultants could advise on diversifying offerings to create multiple revenue streams and engagement points.
  9. Niche focus: While having broad appeal, both artists maintain a strong connection to their core genre and fanbase. Consultants should emphasize the importance of identifying and serving a specific niche.
  10. Leveraging personal story: Both artists have compelling personal narratives that contribute to their appeal. Consultants could help clients identify and effectively communicate their unique stories and journeys.

By applying these insights, marketing consultants can help their clients build stronger connections with their audience, diversify their offerings, and create more impactful and authentic marketing strategies.


Not bad, really. If nothing else, food for thought to spark new ideas for potentially strengthening a marketing consulting practice!

What crazy mashups have you tried? Or what other crazy ways have you used GenAI tools to spark innovation for yourself or your team?

About Us

Strategic Communications, LLC, works with B2B clients to help them achieve their goals through effective content marketing and management with both internal and external audiences. We work with clients to plan, create and publish high-quality, unique content. Whether on- or offline, or both, we’ll help you achieve desired results at reasonable rates.

In addition to content creation we specialize in helping B2B clients raise awareness and drive website traffic through a strong LinkedIn and X presence.

(Strategic Communications is certified as a Woman-Owned Business Enterprise through the Wisconsin Department of Administration.)

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