Staying informed is key for any business or profession, and marketing is no different. As marketing consultants, we use a variety of sources of information to stay on top of current trends. Magazines (online and in print) offer both a reader-friendly format and insights on trending topics within the industry. Below are some sources we’ve found particularly worthwhile.
EContent Magazine – this is published in both hard copy and online formats and covers a wide range of timely topics related to digital and content marketing. We’re a bit biased because we contribute content to them frequently, but we also enjoy the insights of a wide range of content marketing pros who are at the top of their game.
Chief Content Officer magazine. This one is published by Joe Pulizzi, who is widely known in content marketing circles and really popularized the concept of content marketing a number of years ago. The publication (both print and digital) contains a lot of very practical and timely advice for marketing leaders about how to strategically use content to bolster marketing results.
Quirk’s. Quick’s is a publication that most people probably aren’t familiar with. But, if you’re involved at all with marketing research (and if you’re in marketing, you should be!), it’s a great way to stay up-to-date on trends and learn about best practices that can help ensure you’re getting accurate, reliable and actionable marketing data.
Fast Company. Fast Company highlights new, innovative business thinking and businesses and is a great way to stay on top of some of the trends that are making businesses successful – or not. Reading about how others have overcome challenges, launched innovative enterprises and leveraged technology in unique ways can be very inspirational.
Harvard Business Review (HBR). While not specifically a marketing publication, HBR is a must-read for anyone in business. The format has changed somewhat over time so it’s much less “intimidating” than it may have previously been for some. The articles are both timely and timeless. Even looking back through older issues you’re likely to find relevant information that can positively impact your marketing efforts.
Obviously there’s a lot more to marketing than flipping through magazines, but these publications offer insights from some of the most prominent experts and practitioners in the industry and help readers stay up to date on developments within the marketing world and analyses of those trends.
What would you add to the list?
Recommended Reading:
The Everything Guide to Customer Engagement
Tags: Chief Content Officer, CMI, EContent Magazine, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review (HBR), Innovation, Joe Pulizzi, Journalism, marketing expertise, marketing publications, Quirk's